Looking for a quad!!!AGAIN!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys well now that most of my buddies and I all have quads one of my best friends is now looking for one getting off the trail bike. so if you hear of any or know of any could you please let me know he wants to spend 4 to 5 grand and is looking for a 400 to 550 hp with low milage etc etc and definatly diff lock.

Thanks Wolf


Blue Wolf Charters
Ha ha ha...welcome to parenthood Justin. Slowly but surely the toys start to go as the diapers pile up. Been there done that.
Hey Wolfy Whitey just called me to see if i wanted to buy his quad but i'm going to be in the same predicament as Justin soon so no more toys for now.But give me a call it's a great bike and atracts deer like no other.
Nope not losing any toys yet, looking to go buy a new 650 or 750 in Van next week, and a seat for the little one, had her out plowing the driveway with me the other day, all smiles. A bigger boat is definitly not a enconomicle move the way things are looking with DFO and such, so a new quad it is. Amazing how much money you can save when the boat is frozen under three feet of snow...

One in the Oven Trev??? Sweet!

I recently joined the growing ranks of Quad owners with thoughts of finding remote lakes teaming with huge trout. Ok so the snow has put a damper on that thought for a while but the intention is still there. If you are looking for a quad try this site and forum they are in BC and have lots of information that will prove useful. Happy New Year
Slow down boys thanks for the congrats but no bun in the oven yet getting ready though so no more toys for a bit as far as a new boat thats for business ha ha.
From the huntingbc.ca forum

have a 2004 bombardier 650 with 142 miles on it if ur interested give me a call
i am in victoria