Ling Cod opening in Georgia Strait


Active Member
I heard a rumor that there may be a ling cod opening in May for Georgia Strait, but i can't find anything in writing. Has anyone heard anything about this?
Yup, heard the same rumor last year too. I think it stems from a comment one of the DFO officials let slip saying he personally thought the numbers of lings was sufficient to support an opening.

I wouldn't hold my breath as after a ton of fiasco's, I think the DFO will start to err on the side of caution now.
I heard the same rumour up in Courtenay and it does look like they may open lings for retention but in select areas only. I also am hoping that there study on how the increased seal populations are effecting salmon numbers on the east coast of Vancouver Island goes ahead to. Cheers ME

Happy Hookin!!!
What is the point in studying something that everyone already knows the answer to that no one at DFO will do anything about anyway? They must have saved so much money in the enforcement section (by understaffing) that there is a truckload of money left over for useless studies!
Typical government spending don't ask the people that might know somthing<img src=icon_smile_angry.gif border=0 align=middle>.