Last Cast - By Bob Hooton


Well-Known Member
PJM says:
October 28, 2023 at 9:54 pm
Bob, once again you perfectly present the issues and solutions. Unfortunately your voice is being silenced by a lack will by others to act. Government represents the most egregious actor in this play but it is not alone. The so called advocacy groups have for years played understudy to government, willingly following the script and only tacitly making suggestions for change. And then there are “us”, the anglers who have never demanded enough of the presentation.
Now we are seeing this script in need of revision, yet no one seems to want to become the lead on the rewrite. No entity seems to see the paradigm of fish first as only product of reason. Well, remember, we often reap what we sow, or inversely, what we don’t sow we can’t reap. So, if there are no advocates for steelhead there won’t be steelhead.
Bob has given heart and soul to steelhead, now who among us will take up the challenge
I just camped on the THompson yesterday on my way back from Skeena country. Its November and I never saw a fish roll...nothing.

And zero fish in the Albion Test Fishery—- zero steelhead. It’s shocking to me to have seen where it once was not too long ago and where it is today. Compliments of the DFO—-they effectively managed the THompson steelhead run to ZERO

Bob saw this coming . It’s scary how right he was and even scarier knowing that as of today there is nobody to step into the breach and take over where Bob left off as an advocate for BC steelhead...nobody.....

We all know the Skeena is next. The guys in Smithers and Victoria truly don’t give a shiat how low the Tyee Test Fishery results get.

Steelhead are just a nuisance to these guys
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