Lake question

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Dan, might have been easier if you had repeated question here rather than referring to an earlier post.

Turn over occurs twice a year, in spring and in fall.

In spring turnover occurs after the ice has come off and the winds mix the lake. At this time the waters are murky. This can last a couple of weeks and fishing will not be good. AFter the water begins to clear the fishing will improve and plants will begin to grow as the water is oxygenated through out.

In autumn the cooler temps will drop the water temperature. When the water temp is about 39 the layers will mix and fall turnover will occur. The water will again become murky and fish will be off feeding. When the water clears and becomes oxygenated fish will be throughout the water and will be actively feeding.

What was unasked in your question is the thermocline which splits the warm upper waters from the cool lower waters. This is what mixes in the fall. Plants do not grow in the cooler waters. Fish will feed in the warmer water, but the water might be too warm for them to be comfortable. Hence they will stay in the cooler water and come to feed in the warmer water. That is why in summer if you can find the thermocline layer, it can be a good depth to fish.

There is probably a lot more to the topic, but this may give you an idea of the meaning of turnover.
