Kyuquot to Myself?????


Well-Known Member guests at any of the lodges to my understanding....I guess it may just be us and the "locals". :)

Apparently there are still good numbers of fish around but no overly large, and I am hoping "fish" doesn't just mean ho's. Waiting for a buddy who guides up here to pop by to see what's happening.
I hope so Scott!!! I have the full arsenal to try.....and may even start with a hunk of plastic that I got from Derby yesterday!!! Sexy looking white glo turd.
I was up there ten days ago and there were a ton of springs being caught.Mostly in the high teens but lots in the mid twenties.
Biggest ho caught in our group was fifteen lbs. Oh ya, we all limited on halibut and lings as well.Looks like you've got good tides
and weather.

Good Luck
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Those white turds were the ticket this year. Hang on. Ho's were big 3 weeks ago. Plump now me thinkin.
Just got back from one of the Kyuquot lodges tonight. We were the last group before they closed for the season. We found there were lots of pinks and wild coho. Some days we were even catching as many halis and lings trolling as salmon. We got our Chinooks, but they weren't massive. Our group's chinooks were between 14 - 22 pounds.
Daveroo......have only managed one spring thus far with some coho and brown fish mixed in.
Daveroo......have only managed one spring thus far with some coho and brown fish mixed in.

Yeh, our chinook fishing was pretty sporadic. We would go for long stretches without getting chinooks on the hook, much less landing them into the boat. In fact we had 3 double headers of chinook over the course of the weekend, so they seem to come in bunches when they showed up. My theory is they are schooling sometimes and if you don't find the school, you don't get the fish. Our ratio of released pinks/wild coho to retained chinooks/hatchery coho must have been at least 5 to 1. We tried the range of depth from 145' to 220', but that did not seem to affect the results much. We also changed depths to get away from the halis and lings becasuse that was all we were catching one morning. But strangely enough, that didn't work either. The halis and lings still kept biting on a 145' troll in 200+ of water.
"The halis and lings still kept biting on a 145' troll in 200+ of water." - That's gotta be the fishermen's version of "first world problems"!! LOL - Just jealous as I didn't get a single legal sized ling, my favourite meat, this year.
