Kokanee salmon vanish from Okanagan

Phosphours is brutal on fresh water. We took it out of our fertlizers(lawn care compnay) almost a decade ago when he first studies started showing up about algae blooms. It should be banned IMO as the negative enviromental impacts far out way the postivie argonomic impacts.
I've fished OK lake for big trout (6" plugs and spoons) for the last 10 days, landed one 1.5 lb Kokanee and one 2.5 lb trout. In 30+ hours of fishing I've seen few fish on the sounder and I've fished all over the lake.
I've been out on OK lake a half dozen times in the past month. Pounded 2 nice 5lbers and a bunch of smaller ones. Lost one a few days ago that we figure was around 15lbs. Oddly enough, we fished for Kokanee quite a bit but not a fish. I've yet to catch one this year.
Fisher Dude, where were you fishing? depth,and gear? I've been fishing for bigger trout and have got a couple of Kokanee and one trout (north/west Peachland) but let them go.
My boat is in service until Friday and then I'm hoping to fish Sat. But where should I try???
Since my last post, I've been fishing with large black and white buck tail (4") at 20' - 30' deep, North of rattle snake Is. Getting a lot more action and landing 4-5 lb trout every trip.

Thanks Rod from Rodney's REEL Outdoors for the pointers. It's alway a great help when another fisherman provides some info.
Good job Fisher dude.
I'm back in Victoria and fished Sooke today, 8 on, lost 2 and landed 3 in the 20 and 3 teens. It's a lot easier for me to catch Salmon than those Trout.
i know, but they are fun to catch, especially when jigging for them. we let them all go anyway. its almost like spot and stalk hunting!