Just another day


Active Member
A little background tunage
[IHjaW9sXl7s] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHjaW9sXl7s
My youngest turned 6 yesterday. His elder brother didn't want to do much today so he got chucked on the train(Aunty's car) for some family visiting with my parents. The oldest boy is at his dads for a couple days and its hard to get the teenager to get outta the house...... so off we went.

We saw a bunch of this stuff.

We took Tanaraq out to stretch her gangley legs.

A second of coaching and Zach was ripping all over the pool.
Stupid image restrictions
Following in Dads footsteps.... literally.

A good day for a walk about :cool: ..... Oh yeah, no fish. Maybe next time
Nothing better than getting the youngsters out early-- My son got his first coho in the Squamish at the age of three. he cast his own spinner too!!! Was he ever excited! ( but not as much as dear ol dad!!)
So cute!

I must say, I love this post. It's so great to see little tykes out fishing instead of playing video games. It looks like he's having a great time, and it's great to see he's starting at such a young age. My son hasn't learned how to walk yet, but there's no doubt that he'll be getting out as soon as he's up and running!