Joining wire to braid on downriggers

Olde School

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

Tossing an idea around: it would require joining braided downrigger line to wire downrigger line, and must pass through the pulley at the end of the downrigger.
I've had great success with the Albright knot, thinking that it could work in this case.
The wire would form the loop and braid would form all of the wraps, then would tidy up the tag of wire by covering it with a brass locator.
Haven't found any info online yet.
Do you have experience with this situation?
Or, how would you make this joint?


I'd just use all braid!
I think the wire would have a tendency to wear through the braid unless you were to crimp a swivel in line and tie to the swivel ?
what is the reasoning for doing this ?
swivel would work, just make sure its small enough to pass through the pulley and it will set off the auto stop but in a pinch it would work. Wire or braid is cheap, I'd just respool the whole thing.
I will try the swivel idea - briliant!
Such a great amount of knowledge amongst our membership!

My preference was all braid but...the person I'm doing this for simply doesn't have $ in the budget.


My concern would be crimping the swivel on the cable. Will it hold? Also, are you just looking at getting more line on you spool at the lowest cost?
also putting braid on top will mess up the line counter

best either run one fully braid and then move over the next one when funds allow
Trying to save a few bucks now joining wire to braid might end up costing more in the long run if the connection fails.