It's Take Your Daughter To The River Day.....


Well-Known Member
The older I get the more I realize it's way more fun watching someone else get a fish then hooking it myself....

So with that in mind I took my daughter Selena out to the Olympic Peninsula to chase steel last week. Fished the Sol Duc, the Bogachiel and the Queets. Saw sunshine, white-out blizzards, and everything in between. In short, it was classic la Nina weather---March going out like a lion with a lamb stuck in the corner of its mouth. Even saw a couple of fish.

In one hole on the Bogachiel I had what for me has been a reoccurring theme for winter run steel-- I go through the hole with a fly; nothing happening. My daughter comes in behind me with a spoon. First freaking cast, the spoon hits the water and there's a major slab of a pissed-off buck stuck on the other end.

I could grow old agonizing over what is was about a spoon that the buck found so much more sexy then my fly, (and knowing at the same time that if it had been September and we'd been fishing for summer run steel, that buck would have gargled with my fly just as fast as that spoon.....)

But then it wouldn't have been half as much fun because I wouldn't have had the thrill of watching my daughter hook a really nice fish....


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Beauty pic's there Sharphooks! Thanks for sharing. Old timer U.S. guests of mine say that those are some of thier favorite rivers.
Great story, thanks for sharing.
First time fishing ever was Saturday with daddy!

River.....or bush???

A little off topic..... but still applicable I thought....


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