IPHC Commisioners Decide on 2013 TAC


Commissioners voted to accept a TAC for Canada Area 2B of 7.038 million pounds of halibut in 2013

Vote 5 for and 1 against (2 US and 3 Cdn for - 1 US against)

Thank all your dedicated Canadian delegates and Commissioners for their hard work.

The public are well served by their efforts!

Disaster averted!

This TAC for Canada mirrors 2012, so the SFAB can now plan what the 2013 public fishery should look like. I know their plan is to keep the season open as long as possible.

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Now on to the 15/85..... thank you Gov and others for your hard work.
No thank you Jerry. You must have made your name as a troll account?

Closing July and August wouldn't bother me personally (only because I live in Victoria and can fish all year I'm completely biased) but 2/3 does bother me. It's way too greedy 1/2 at the MOST just because it used to be 2/3 doesn't mean it ever should be again.

Sure if the TAC skyrockets but it isn't going to happen 2/3 is gone forever give it up. Bring more buddies out fishing if you want to keep lots of halibut on one trip.
The best way to thank Governor for all his hard work is to become a member of South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition. We need more members if we hope to be successful as a society.

The work that the Anglers Coalition are doing at the 2013 IPHC meetings is a perfect example of how this society will benefit all anglers in BC. Please join. http://Www.anglerscoalition.com
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Great job.

I vote 2/3 no slot. Close July and August. Only then can all canadians have a great chance to fish for halibut. Not only will this extend the guides and lodges very short 3 month season, providing more income, but fishing for halibut 10 months of the year with very liberal limits is what dreams are made of.

JS where were you last fall when the local SFAC's asked what you wanted?
If you are an area 14 fisher and you attended the meeting then you voted.
Not to say that you can't add your 2 cents here but all SFAC were asked this same question and most answered.
If your an area 14 fisher keep an eye on this forum or PM me and I will make sure you are notified of the next meeting. In the mean time we will be cranking up the heat to change the 15/85 and could use more voices.