Inflatable Boat Motor Size


Hi All, I've been Lurking on these forums for few months now. Finally making a post and looking for some advice. I currently have an 11' Zodiac Fish N Hunt with Aero Floor and a small 2.5HP Tohatsu 4 stroke. This works well, very portable, but so slow and quite loud actually. I would like to move up to a bigger, yet quieter motor. I have done a lot of research on cost, weight and features and really like the Tohatsu 9.9 EFI, with electric start. The electric start model has the alternator installed for charging the battery, so no kits needed to install afterwards for charging and I like the convenience of the electric start. My concern is the weight and HP rating of the Boat. As you can see in attached photo of Data Plate the Max HP rating is 10HP and Max Weight is 99lbs for the motor. The spec sheet for the 9.9 EFI Tohatsu with electric start, says its 104lbs, so 5lbs over data plate rating. My gut tells me that this shouldn't be a problem and that I am splitting hairs. I could go with a smaller motor say the 8 or 9.8HP, which are both just over 90lbs with Electric start, but not EFI. Figured that the noise of the 9.9 would be much less.

So my questions are:

1.) Is the 5lbs over on weight for the 9.9 with EFI and Electrical start enough of a concern to eliminate that option?
2.) Will there be a significant difference in noise level between the 9.8 and 9.9 and is EFI really that much better? The difference in HP and speed, will be so minimal.

Typically use in lakes and have used on inside shelter waters on WCVI (plan to do more of this). I have 2 manual scotty downriggers on now (with Weaver Mounts) plan is to upgrade to electric once I decide on which outboard with alternator for charging. Typically fish only 2 people at a time, mostly solo, but have packed 3 in, fishing with both downriggers, very crowded and not comfy.

Thanks for any replies and advice.


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I personally think that motor (9.9 EFI) would be fine on that boat. I think that you should pay more attention to the overall weight of people/gear/motor/fuel/battery in the boat.

Welcome to SFBC!
If it’s not a center console why go electric start? I would go efi pull start to keep it a little simpler and lighter
Thanks PE,

Reel Gone, Electric Start comes with the charging capabilities included, if I go manual start only, I’d have to add the charging components and wires. It’s my understanding if I waned to maintain warranty, I’d need an authorized service center to do it. After all said and done I’d end up paying more to have a charging circuit added and still not have electric start convenience. I currently have my fish finder (Raymarine Dragonfly) and plan to add an electric downrigger (Scotty 1101 or 1106) so I want charging capability.
The difference is weight is not statistically significant enough to cause concern. However that being said I wouldn't be comfortable actually say yes its fine, but keep in mind that this inflatable is a zodiac and they tend to be weld built with a healthy safety margin. I would simply call them and posed the question. I’m assuming you are not concerned about any warranty, and you can be assured no one will be inspecting your boat for those kind of compliance issues. So Professionally and in the strictest sense I would have to say no, but would I be concerned if it was my boat? not a chance, no way.
If you want the light inflatable versatility I would try out a 6hp and see if it get's on plane with your current load. My brother does 13kn with his tender with an aluminum floor. Adding electric down riggers, battery, fuel cans etc and lugging a 105lb (on paper, what does it really weight) motor around makes you pretty much into a trailerable boat range. Don't get me wrong electric down riggers are nice but it sounds like you may have two footitus, and may just want to buy a 14-16' aluminum already outfitted.
Oh I've been suffering from 10 footitus even, for several years, haha. Would love to get a trailerable boat and get out fishing more often, but only able to get out about half dozen times each year as it is, usually long weekends, up to a full week at a time. Portability is great, but the other features such as charging and noise are higher on my list.

I've pulled up next to other inflatable boats that have newer 9.9 and larger motors and they are so quiet compared to my little 2.5, I could hardly tell they were running. I initially thought of getting the 6hp, but they are still only 1 cylinder and low 100's in displacement, both of which I reckon are major contributors to noise. Then I moved up to the 8 and 9.8 family, now these are 2 cylinder and double the displacement, so I thought I was set. But then I compared the 9.8 to the 9.9 and the difference in features between them is huge, higher displacement at lower RPM's, double the charging output and EFI. Is EFI really that much of a game changer? When reading about it on these forums and others, like Bloody Decks and the Hull Truth, pretty much everybody that has gone to EFI has loved it and wouldn't intentionally go back. I have no practical knowledge of the difference and I know that many people have non EFI motors that are great, but if buying new, would EFI be the preference?
Hi kaelc, I haven’t actually pulled the trigger on anything yet, paralysis by analysis. Still using the hand crank manual scotty downriggers and 2.5 Tohatsu (although I did replace the carb with PN for a 3.5, zoom zoom, haha). The Zodiac is about 12-13 years old and still going strong, holds Air and is extremely portable, has a couple scars/beauty marks, but those just add character and provide for better stories. I highly recommend them, tankish as an inflatable can be.
I have a picture of the Zodiac Data plate in original post on this thread. It’s a Fish N Hunt (FH11Aero). 11’ long inflatable floor and keel. The manual DR‘s work fine, just getting older and lazy I suppose. Would be nice when Salmon Fishing to auto retrieve, specially when I’m fishing solo and hook up, gets a little chaotic sometimes, I stay away from other boats, hahaha.