I (my kids) WANT to catch a dogfish!


Ok, no laughing. this is serious stuff.

My kids want to catch a dogfish. I guess they think it would be cool to catch a shark. Might be because I told them I used to catch pretty big ones off the dock at April point when i was a kid.

Any suggestions on a quick and easy method in Vancouver harbour this time of year? preferably southern Harbour, but if it's flat i'll run farther - my boat is not fast.

I used to hook into quite a few dogfish off the bell buoy and jericho in about 80-100 feet of water. They make great bait for your crab traps.

Use bait, herring or anchovie with a treble hook about 5 feet off bottom just drifting and mooching lightly. If you sit the bait on bottom you can still catch dogfish but more likely small flounder will pick your bait clean off the hook. To be honest I'm not sure if they are around much this time of year as it was usually early spring when we target them for bait.
I think they are migratory, you could catch them in June, July, Aug. Fish around the crab pots in white rock, old anchovy work great.
Hi drivel, I use to fish them lots between Siwash Rock and closer to lions Gate Bridge. you have to cast out a bit further because there is a ledge and then it turns into sand. I fished 15-20 years ago and that was my favorite spot, caught 100s of thems. use to take my bike and tie a rod and reel in. buy cheap squid from superstore. try anytime but I think it was best for me in spring and summer. Good Luck!!!!
I commercial fished them one winter. I do believe they are migrated out deep in around the ferry shipping lanes to spawn, at least thats where we found them in huge numbers, as in every dam hook on the long line