Hull maintenance opportunity


Crew Member
I'm repowering and right now my transom has no main on it. I have a three day weekend coming up to bolt on the E-tec and rigging and do a water test. Got some Evinrude touchup paint and will pretty up the new unit before mounting, fix a couple of hairline cracks around cowling screws etc.

I have some penetrating epoxy that I'll work into the transom mounting holes to ensure things remain dry and sound. I'm also planning to lift the kicker onto a motor stand and swing it out of the way so I can do a big cleanup on the transom and splash well while I have the chance. Anything else I should be doing while both motors are clear?

Fill in the well, pod it. Boom. 2’ bigger boat

In all serious, are the etecs mounting holes the same as the existing ones? S3 penetrating epoxy sealer is a good idea but you may have to fill them in completely.

adding 1/4” to the transom will help distribute the weight of the motor if you have any concerns of delamination in your transom
If as you indicate the wood in the transom is still sound, then the epoxy sealer is a good idea. If however you have found that the wood is black and easily picked at ( indicating that the wood is no longer sound) then at some point you will need to deal with that. However a reasonably effective (albeit not a forever) fix is to use a couple of pieces of aluminium plate on either side of of the transom to spread the load over a greater area.
You might want to take that aluminum strip off the top of the transom to put some penetrating epoxy down to those motor mount bolt holes. Are you still going with the aluminum sandwich type piece to rise the motor up? if so I would just get rid of the strip and go right across the whole transom. But that may make your kicker to short. Also I'm guess the new motor is heavier then the old one, you might want to move that rigging hole
Good time to install hydraulic steering. Ok that’s the expensive idea. Another thought is to install a rigging hose on the splashwell to big motor to eliminate potential of water entry through that hole.