How you clean your Tomic Plugs?


The sunny weather is out here and it had me digging through my tackle boxes. And I just happen to find a couple older Tomics that must have had scent or something on them at one time cause they are...well a little more stained/dirty than the rest.
I need something pretty intense to help clean them but I don't want to take the paint off or leave a lasting smell.
Any suggestions?
Just make sure there are no grainy bits in the toothpaste...definitely no baking soda. WD40 will help dissolve the scent/good. WD40 would be my first choice...a few wipes. Then wash with dish detergent...Dawn or Sunlight.
Have you found that tooth paste rubs off some of the finish?
Just wondering I know I ruined a couple of my plated Herzog steelhead spoons using tooth paste?
Toothpaste works OK on Tomic plugs no probs with paint.

For Steelhead spoons I use Nver Dull the finish is mighty thin on PenTac spoons though.
I tired the toothpaste, I'm pretty sure it was just the red label CREST stuff. Got most everything off but then the plugs smelled like toothpaste. So then I used dish soap, didn't quite get ride of the smell of toothpaste so then I tried the dishwasher detergent...that fixed the smell up and made the plugs squeaky clean.
Thanks guys.
Do you clean your flashers in a similar manner? I actually thought of chucking them in the dishwasher till I thought how hot it gets I bet it would warp them and strip the tape off em.
Just picked up a bunch of Tomic's from Ideal tackle and came across this thread trying to figure out how to freshen them up.

The ones I got had some oxidization on the hardware and a lot of salt build-up on/in the swivels. I thought I'd give vinegar a try since salt is an acid, I figured why not try a base to clean them? Worked like a damn! the hardware, swivels and plugs came out of the can almost shiny as new. I just dropped them face first into a tin can with a couple of inches of vinegar in it and let them sit for about five minutes. Pulled 'em out, wiped them off, and they were clean. Can't detect any residue of the vinegar either.