The Seattle show is pretty huge - it has 6-8 times as many exhibitors as the Vancouver show and many, many more of the very large boats. In addition, it has many more fishing boats and ski boats. While most of us aren't interested in 50+ foot 1-5M$ boats or ski boats, I like looking at those and often get a good idea that I can adapt to my fishing boat. There are many vendors of electronics and dozens of seminars on fishing various areas and various species. There are also lots of tackle and marine product vendors with good boat show pricing. In particular, LFS has great deals on tackle at the show - especially on the last day of the show when they dump a lot of stuff at very low prices. In the past, I've picked up 16oz lead jigs at 20 for $40 on the last day of the show. I've also found similar pricing on 11" flashers and some Lurh Jensen salmon spoons. So it's worthwhile to be there on the last day.