How can the weather guys be so wrong?

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member
Was planning on heading out of Comox this AM. Big Wave Dave forecast 5-10 but mainly light, EC the usual 5-15. Got up at 6am. turned on the VHF weather-- CRAP! Lazo was 20-22knots and Chrome was 25- gusting to 34 with a 3 ft sea!!!

Phoned my partner for the day and told her to go back to bed. Kept checking the VHF during the day--- Mudge-- CALM! SEAS RIPPLED! Except for a nasty tide rip that set up off the light house this afternoon
Sisters- 15. etc But it never went down below 20 all day at Chrome and .8 meter seas at Lazo.... Checked back with BWD-- and it said all was good!! 5 knots.... BS!

Just had a violent thundershower-- rained so hard it knocked leaves off the trees and a couple of thunder cracks too.

Forecast is good locally tomorrow-- lets hope they have it right this time
Yup bigwave dave was way off for the nanaimo forecast too! I was ready to go but checked the webcam n it was blowin 16 knots at entrance..

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I used to run a fairly small boat and drive a big distance to launch. Some times go all the way there and find I just couldn't go out...Total waste of time. I took a weather coarse through my squadron a few years ago. Totally worth it.

I now can usually be bang on to what its doing by looking at three things: Pressure Gradient ( through BWD), Current Direction/Strength (using Murrays), and the amount the pressure is falling at the stations near to where I am fishing....

BWD gives a you all that info... Also the network of schools with the uvic system are very useful...They give you a rate of pressure drop in graph...

Same with fog through BWD there is thing called dew point. If the temp is lower than what dew point chances are you have a great deal of fog. If its really low than its probably pretty thick. This always hold true in Sooke (IE Gordon's Beach station on BWD) where I fish.

I totally recommend taking the course not a waste of time and also picking up the book "the wind blew all ways". I am just passing the info on its just what I learned so I can spend more time on the water safely... Thought I would pass it on.
Was planning on heading out of Comox this AM. Big Wave Dave forecast 5-10 but mainly light, EC the usual 5-15. Got up at 6am. turned on the VHF weather-- CRAP! Lazo was 20-22knots and Chrome was 25- gusting to 34 with a 3 ft sea!!!

Phoned my partner for the day and told her to go back to bed. Kept checking the VHF during the day--- Mudge-- CALM! SEAS RIPPLED! Except for a nasty tide rip that set up off the light house this afternoon
Sisters- 15. etc But it never went down below 20 all day at Chrome and .8 meter seas at Lazo.... Checked back with BWD-- and it said all was good!! 5 knots.... BS!

Just had a violent thundershower-- rained so hard it knocked leaves off the trees and a couple of thunder cracks too.

Forecast is good locally tomorrow-- lets hope they have it right this time

Hi Cuba,

One of these days I will have the Point Holmes Webcam running and linked on our new website,

Just need to get a few things sorted with Hydro and Town of Comox, then we'll be set to go. I think it will be a valuable resource for all, sure be nice to just have a peak at what's really happening out there !!

On a side note, my #1 choice for an "official webcam sponsor" hasn't panned out yet, so if anyone is interested PM me and we can work out details for what might be a great opportunity for both of us.

Weather guys can be "wrong" during short term chaotic conditions such as those often found on our coast but over the long term they get it right most of the time.

Now let's forecast what we think will happen later this year and into next year and how that may cause some problems with salmon stocks.

Here's today's look at water temps and where it's warming plus a link to an interesting article regarding Pelican behavior and what it might mean.

A big El Nino is bad news for our salmon stocks as history has shown and the way this one has been manifesting has raised some serious concerns about the ramifications we may witness the next few years.

Could be slim pickings a few years from now.

Take care.