Hooks for teaser heads


Well-Known Member
Redoing my teaser heads with the wire insert after reading about that modification. Figured it was a good time to try a new hook . What size treble are most guys using around Bamfield? I only use a single treble and was going to try the 1/0 size. I might give the gammi trebles a shot this season. I use their singles on the river but never tried their trebles.
The Gamakatsu trebles are fine but a tad light duty-I bought some Owners from Nikka and like them more.
x 2 on the Gammie trebles being to light. Their singles are great but i have straightened way to many trebles. Losing a tyee and reeling in a straight hook without putting much pressure on is beyond frustrating. I still havent found a great treble so will let others comment on that.
Gammy trebles come in double xx and triple xxx strong. Go with xxx or go home
Mustad 36329BLN-3x -4/0


Yeah I've seen those they look deadly can't remember where I saw them though.
VMC 1/0
Good for 52 pound spring so far. ;)
I like the vmc as well I also tye a trailer with a gamy 2/0 so the hook just circles the tail so if the fish nips at it you got him I landed alot of fish with the single trailer just in the front lip its amazing.I cant wait to get out just dropped off the boat today at for the new power should be ready by the end of next week a couple of tune up days on the gear and those fish are goin get it !!!!!!!! There all getting root canals compliments of Billydoos...

Tight lines
My vote goes to Fish Assassin

My experience is that a 2/0 to 4/0 Gammy is all you need in a teaser head--they hold fish just fine and if you want to turn one loose, you don't have the blood and mayhem you have 90% of the time with trebles.

Don't mean to p-off any members in the forum but my quiet comment is that trebles don't belong in a saltwater salmon fishery. Period.

Tandem tie two 3/0 hooks-- park one in the tail and let the second one trail. You'll put just as many fish into the net as you would with a single treble---maybe more. My experience is that trebles sometimes offer leverage--one hook against another--- where a fish can twist out of a poor hook-set. Not so easy with a single gammie...

Again, just a quiet editorial comment, not a chest-beating affirmation of gospel truth.......
I quit using trebles years ago when they banned them at the Cap mouth, they are nasty.

Won't get into the treble vs single argument as I haven't done extensive research on the subject however... as has been discussed before here at great lengths I think it can be agreed that when there are lots of shakers around, trebles are best avoided.

Re the Cap treble closure .....its in the shallows only and was/is intended to stop shore snaggers from snagging from the shore. Stay outside a line from 14st dock to the light at Prospect Point and treble users are perfectly legal. That closure line goes roughly through tip of 'suzie' and almost directly through the cap light so you get an idea how far North and East ( and shallow) you would have to be to be inside. Sewer Bay for example would be the only legal fishing area you would need to use singles even though its a 'shore fishery regulation'. Remember east of the cap light is a 'no fishing' area anyway.
1/0 VMC as well btw use a treble cause its fast simple and easier to use 90 % cmon man seen enough blood inficted with large singles as well I dont care which hook you use if you dont want to kill fish then dont go fishing ........I fish because I like to eat salmon ,halibut,cod etc and yes its great to get a tyee but im happier with a 15 lb spring or a 30 lb chicken halibut.

Back to the hook use what you want me 2 singles are way worse than a treble any day especially when it whips around and takes out the fishes eye....

FWIW I can never get the right roll with two singles and believe me I've tried so I switched back to a treble.