Hook Size for Plugs


Active Member
Have just bought a couple of 5 inch plugs (never used them before) and was wondering what size and type of hook should be attached.
Comes with a swivel attached underneath , so not sure if I am supposed to extend the length before adding hook.
Looked in the shop for a complete example but saw none and the guy helping was a bit vague.
I am going to give them a whirl next week down at Bamfield.
You must try for weight and speed ,so the hook pulls point up through the water ,as for a 3x3 set up pritty sticky.
also make sure the hook is big enough to have the gap between the hook point and shaft so it is wider than the plug at the point at the rear of the plug it would or could make contact with when trolling otherwise it can actually hang up on the plug itself.
The hook must be bendable once and not flake and rust the bend is not side to side and is in the tip of the point inwards just a little to keep the hook from marking the finish on the plug.
ThreePer is the correct answer. Prefer Mustad model 95170-ss. It usually takes a bit of work to get these hooks sharp enough. So you need a 5/0 siwash hook. On the link ThreePer sent, be sure to visit the instructions page.