Honolulu Fish Auction


Well-Known Member
The Honolulu Fish Auction provides tours every Sat 6am to 730am and it is one of the only fish auctions in north America.
Attached are some short videos on how the process works from the boat to the auction floor, to grading, then to the supplier and onto the islands, the mainland and Japan.
It is an interesting system, Sustainable fishing, all the fish are long line caught and they monitor the boats 24 X 7.


The best fish market in Honolulu is Tamashiro.
Everything is fresh. The place is just interesting to see.

The Honolulu Fish Auction provides tours every Sat 6am to 730am and it is one of the only fish auctions in north America.
Attached are some short videos on how the process works from the boat to the auction floor, to grading, then to the supplier and onto the islands, the mainland and Japan.
It is an interesting system, Sustainable fishing, all the fish are long line caught and they monitor the boats 24 X 7.


The best fish market in Honolulu is Tamashiro.
Everything is fresh. The place is just interesting to see.

Thanks for the great pictures and info.
Many years ago I spent a week touring the Big Island and attended the fish auction in Hilo - very similar. After the auction I went to a little restaurant nearby and had Spam and Eggs for breakfast.
Some of that YFT isn't been treated particularly well the stomach cavities aren't packed with ice at all.

I guess people are Happy to accept a lower grade product for less money knowing the people they sell it to don't care either.