Homathko silt.

Olde School

Well-Known Member
Hello, experts.

2 quite experienced fishermen up the Homathko river a couple of days ago.
It was virtually devoid of life.
We threw a lot of gear at the water and nada.
No critters, no fish (not even spawned out carcasses), no birds, few bugs.
Were told by hikers that the river had been 1 meter higher 2 days previous.

The water was so silty that you couldn't see a rock 4" below the surface!

Question: where do the fish go when the big systems get really silty?
Perhaps salmon don't spawn in the Homathko?
Surely the trout are hiding somewhere?


homathko I think is always silty - at least that was the norm when I used to work there about 6 years ago...couldn't see a thing - any depth. Must be spawners thou given the numbers of bears. Maybe just a timing thing?
Fish the back channels where you have ground water influence. Main run of Chinook are in Aug. Most of them are way up the river near Scarr Ck.
Good to hear that silt doesn't bother them.
We wondered about our timing but don't salmon run from June to December?
Our location was Scar Creek...

No, the run is very time specific much like other rivers the good prime time is usually only 1 to 2 months max. Water clarity is a factor, but you can get around that by searching out side channels with ground water. It is a big system, so you have to search around. I would try back again in the spring.