Highway 4


Crew Member
Is this highway open to Tofino open?

Previous thread , that admin here buried , said HW4 may be shut down. Just looking for passage info . Nothing political or covid related.

Tried to phone chamber of commerce in both Tofino and Ukee for info nada.

Anyone ?

Need to go surf and fish .

This is usually fairly up to date. Grew up in ukee and my mom still lives there so I go back and fourth pretty regularly. The road is open but you have to keep an eye out for the scheduled closures that are posted on the group. Right now till the 25th of June they are opening up to let people through every top of the hour from 5am-5pm and open the rest of the time and by open I mean alternating one lane. So you may have to wait 10-20 min for traffic to go through.