Hey there Mike's lunker lotion


Hey has anyone had any luck with this product? Which is the best flavor/scents? Do they sell more scents in Army and Navy? Is there any better brands than Mikes lunker lotion? Planning to use it on rockfish, lingcod, or salmon? Thanks guys new to sent and I hope it helps me catch more fish!


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IME they work better in freshwater than salt it always seems like I'm attracting Dogfish when I use scent and it's happened in a number of different places.
Hey Zach, I love having lots of scent on board or with me, but can't say for sure if they help. If you watch a fishing show on TV where one of these products are a sponsor, they will convince you that they do work. The only way to find out is try them, but be prepared to spend some coin, they are not cheap.
If going for bottom fish.....and again depending where you are, just chuck a herring on with your lure. Worked like a charm for us in Tofino last week. Stinky grub with a herring attached was great!
I like this stuff, I prefer the blue UV herring
as the wiseSmellyJellyLg.jpg old lady once said "I put that shat on everything"
They are working great! I use them for freshwater!

The green/yellow pro guide formula is working great for salmon.