Hello from Vava'u, Tonga


Well-Known Member
Hello to everyone from the other side of the Pacific!

Sitting here in a puddle of sweat waiting out a blow, and SJC does it blow here!

Fishing so far has been poor I think like most other places the sea here has been emptied out for the most part.

Tried down on some remote reefs all day Saturday but it seems that a volcano went off somewhere as the water was full of pumice floating around and fishing was abysmal.

http://vavau.to/ for more info about a remote and beautful but stinking hot place.

Still beats waiting out the rain on this side at this time of year.
p.Swiss - Don't think this was spam....

DB - What are you fishing for primarily? Reef fishes or ??

Hitting the tropics does sound pretty good right about now.
no I did think it was spam but I didn't see that it was dogbreath that posted it, I thought it was a one poster drive by(the tourism website got me). So I deleted my posts - sorry Dog's B.

maybe I'm just cranky because I have a brand new boat and I gotta wait a few months to get her in the water :(
No Spam here just need a break from the heat and to check my email.

We've been offshore and down south on remote reefs both.

Twice I've rented a 16' skiff with a 15 horse and worked inshore as well-today it was so flat I could have even gone offshore, still slow fishing though.

Some fabulous photos on the digital to share later.

Cheapest fruit in creation, a Papaya that would cost $10 in Vancouver is $1.20 here.

Also had the best Sashimi of my life from a Dogtooth Tuna I caught.

The Giant Shark story I'll save for later, 100% true.
Here's the link for the page with the photos from the trip to Tonga.

Look for the albums-Fishing, Food, In and Around Neiafu Town, On the Road in Vava'u, Tongatapu, Underwater.

Your best bet is probably to view as slideshow there are a lot of photos to view.

My apologies if there are some duplicates and if a few are blurry, some I left in because they show something I like in spite of being less than perfect.

Remember I was often in rockin' & rollin' boats sometimes steering with one hand and snapping pics with the other or just hanging on for life.

If you have any questions about what's what drop me a line or give me a call I'd be happy to explain.

The biggest thing is that it really does not matter where he is, but that he is enjoying what it is that he his doing...I for one like the chrome at the end of my line - I also like the the difference between catching and killing...not only that, but I like being in the loop day after day, in and out, it is all about, but at least I know. So many of you dudes need to get out there and catch a few...if you need to know a few honey holes or areas that work...just [E] me.

Cheers Dirty - it aint proper, but at least I know where and when to go! stop in at the shop...coffee is always on!