I'm with Hali Kill on this one. Of course this is rare. The guy was siphoning fish away from the boat owners. Not such an easy thing to do for any period of time and get away with it. There's a general CPUE that a fleet of boats fishing a specific number of hooks over a pre-designated amount of time generates.
If a non-fishing owner (or a compliance agency) starts to see that one boat in particular has a significantly different CPUE, it will draw attention and eventually, scrutiny.
Fish get offloaded at public docks ---fish tickets get generated. Not so easy to siphon off non-reported fish.
I used to work with a guy back in Rhode Island who started siphoning fish from his boss's boat into the fresh market. He did it once and the axe fell---whether it was crew turning him in or compliance getting a tip from a buyer, it's not a good long-term gig.
And for a boat owner who operates his own boat---do you think he would risk that crap knowing what the down-side would be? "Rare" would be the operative phrase here, and the judge threw a book at the dude.