Hatchery fish head

Charter Tofino

Well-Known Member
I was wondering if you get a letter regarding info on the fish for every head you deposit? I ushually dont think about it but sent a few in this year when a dfo official asked. Just got a letter saying the age and hatchery the fish were from. Kind of cool as im always wondering where the fish i catch are heading.These were port fish though so it wasnt hard to figure out.One was a 5 year old though
Anyone find a spaghetti tag on a salmon, ling etc? Found one on a spring off of Kitty Coleman. Got a nice hat for the collection.[8D];)
Got a letter from DFO today on 2 Springs from Kyuquot Sound last July. One had a code and the other did not. Fish were from Robertson Creek. The letter said they were 2002 brood year. That would make them 5-year-olds. Seem to recall that they were 26+ # each. My fishing partner pulled in a 34# that trip. The letter said “In the case where recoveries were made and no pin was found. These fish were most likely one of a group of hatchery-produced fish that were adipose-fin clipped only, and not code-wire tagged. These fish also provide valuable management information and continue to the improvement of enhancement and habitat programs throughout the Pacific Region.” I’m thrilled to get the info on the fish but sad that the returns at Robertson Creek Hatchery were so low this fall. It would not surprise me if we see closures and or cut backs on Springs this year. Hope I’m wrong.
About 7 years ago while working in the Charlottes I saw a 10 pound Stealhead hit the docks with a spaghetti tag in it. Fish was caught in the chuck while trolling.

fished off Sooke tidelines in falltime a decade ago. One of my old fishing partners got an adiposed fin clipped coho and got an info. from DFO. The fish was caught and came from Washington State Hatchery near Seattle.
Couple years ago we caught one out of Port Hardy that was from the Rivers Inlet hatchery. Thought that was pretty cool as it implies it was heading north instead of the usual south.
I caught two hatchery fish this year on the outside of Gabriola Island. One was early in the Silva Bay Derby and turned out to be a Nanaimo River Hatchery brood '04, which is cool because I helped produce that fish.

I got my information from my other fish today. I caught it in the middle of August. It was from Menton Hatchery, which looks like it is in Puget Sound. This was a brood '02 fish. The funny thing is, they were both in the 16-17 pound range. I guess we produce smarter fish up here.:D