Halibut Transporting for out of Towners 2013

the fog ducker

Well-Known Member
what the thread says fellas ,


few of us are planning a trip soon , might not be till April 1 ,
anyone know what the deal is , are we now having to bring home the whole carcasses to Vancouver ?? overs and unders ???
one of my friends is flying in from Toronto in May for a halli trip , how will he get his fish home ??
no more filleting ?? what are us out of towners planning ta do with ur carcasses ??
will the city even take em in the garbage lol..tail sticken out n all.... Oh Lordy Lordy lol...

any info appreciated

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DFO will be releasing information related to releasing fish safely and in the least harmful manner as well as the proper packaging and transport of large fish.

Still waiting for this....
I think it will be very difficult to determine how filet size
can be equated to overall 126cm
He should get them processed at a govt licenced facility and packed for air flight in proper packaging like anyone that goes on a trip with a guide or lodge.
He should get them processed at a govt licenced facility and packed for air flight in proper packaging like anyone that goes on a trip with a guide or lodge.

Not everyone can afford that, and he shouldn't be forced to do this at all just to get his halibut back to Toronto, as a Canadian citizen. Nor should FD or anyone from Vancouver have to do this or buy giant coolers to transport their halibut back just to Vancouver.
Well you can at least gut them and remove the heads for transport. Head off it's one under 95cm and one under 63cm.

April 1 until further notice: ◦Maximum length is 126 cm.
◦Daily limit one
◦Possession limit two - of which one must be less than 83 cm head on (63 cm head off) and one must be less than 126 cm head on (95 cm head off)
◦Annual limit - six halibut per licence holder
◦Retaining your halibut? Record date, area from which it was caught and length of halibut in ink on your licence.
My understanding is that these concerns will be dealt with by DFO over the next few weeks.
Not much sense speculating and throwing out comments till then.
After all we are all in the same boat and we need information not bashing.
I think you'll be able to fillet and cut each fillet in half. They can piece together to determine length. Check back before your trip for the official word.

I doubt that, opens possibility of mixing and matching in order to disguise a larger than legal catch.
With the money I have already spent just to go fishing I consider this a viable option over being hassled about packaging and size.

He should get them processed at a govt licenced facility and packed for air flight in proper packaging like anyone that goes on a trip with a guide or lodge.
Well craven i dont think you will be able to mix and match a fillet cut in half is like a puzzle either the pieces align and can be measured or they don't align and it should be fairly obvious they are from different fish or a part of the fillet is missing.

http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/publications/docs/package-emballage-eng.htm#Packaging Rockfish

Under packaging halibut it's already legal to cut fillets over a certain size in half (actually 30-75lbrs can be cut in half. Over 75lbs can be cut in quarters) - why would that change now? Obviously the over 75 pound part will be taken out after march 31st.
Under packaging halibut it's already legal to cut fillets over a certain size in half (actually 30-75lbrs can be cut in half. Over 75lbs can be cut in quarters) - why would that change now? Obviously the over 75 pound part will be taken out after march 31st.

there has never been an over size slot before
we'll wait and see, but i'm betting you will have to have the filet whole with skin attached in order for them to verify size.
If i was allowed to fillet all my fish , id be pretty impressed ,
my feeling is thats not gonna happen ,
question , i never personally transported any slot fish last year ,
am i missing somthing , i thought you were only allowed to transport that fish whole or head off ?? within the 2 lengths given from dfo

am i wrong ??

With the money I have already spent just to go fishing I consider this a viable option over being hassled about packaging and size.

Unfortunately what a person pays to go fishing has no bearing on the fact that fish have to be frozen to be taken on a plane. I doubt anyone wants to take home a whole halibut fillet home frozen.

That's why I get my flying clients to get their fish processed.
The link posted for filleting and packaging for transport was replaced last year by a Fishery Notice stating that due to the slot reg if you were transporting a two fish possession limit at least one of the fillets from your under-slot fish had to have the tail on and the pectoral fin so that the 63cm "head off" measurement (middle of tail to top of pec) could be made by an inspecting officer. There was also wording about ensuring stretching, etc wasn't an issue that basically implied you'd have to leave that fillet attached to the spine.

I'm with those that are wary that both fish for those in the two possession scenario will have to abide by a similar transportation reg this year. An 80+cm fillet with tail and backbone will definitely be less easy to pack than how we used to be able to fillet it without tail and cutting in two like the old transportation guidance. We'll definitely just have to live with it this year!
