Halibut official opening

spring fever

Well-Known Member
Well call me a cynic-supposed to be 1 mar I was told but with 17 days to go I see nothing on DFO website. Kind of hard to plan an expensive trip from wherever for the folks who use guides. You'd think that a Gov't that" cares so much" about small business would help them out by publishing the Rules!! Just Sayin!! Where did you guys get that info and do you still Believe? Hope you're right!!
Hope so too as ive got people from this forum to take out.....

We if DFO had plans not to open March 1 they have had a lot of time to dispel the rumour - if they keep it closed last minute, then I suppose there will be one very large protest fishery from the guys who didn't hear it wasn't open.
okay found yesterday in seattle times, a deatailed article on halibut for US opening and areas. I cannot get the article to post here, but its in the sports section. It lists all the US areas and this yrs and last yrs catch totals.
Official notice is now posted:

RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon)

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0117-Recreational - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon) - Halibut: Recreational Fishery Opening Date and Management Measures


Effective at 00:01 hours March 1, 2012 fishing for halibut will be opened
coastwide until further notice. The daily limit is one (1) per day with a
possession limit of two (2).

The exceptions to this opening are:

Areas 121, 23 and 123:
Effective 00:01 hours March 1, 2012 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2012:
- No person shall fish for or retain halibut, rockfish and lingcod in Area 121
outside the 12 nautical mile limit seaward of a line that begins at 48 degrees
34.000 minutes North latitude and 125 degrees 17.386 minutes West longitude and
continues south easterly at a bearing of 116 degrees True to a point at 48
degrees 28.327 minutes North latitude and 125 degrees 01.687 minutes West

- Electronic licence conditions will be continued as follows: “Only a Canadian
resident may fish for or retain halibut under an electronic licence in
management Areas 121, 23 and 123.”

Area 121:
A reminder to recreational harvesters, that the waters of Swiftsure Bank,
inside a line from 48°34.00'N and 125°06.00'W, thence to 48°34.00'N and 124°
54.20'W, thence to 48°29.62'N and 124°43.40'W, thence following the
International Boundary between Canada and the U.S. to 48°29.55'N and 124°
56.20'W, thence in a straight line to the point of commencement, are closed to
all finfish, all year.

Note: Rockfish Conservations Areas (RCAs) remain in effect – refer to the
following website for descriptions:

To read the news release visit: http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/media-eng.htm

For more details regarding the experimental recreational fishery visit:

Variation Orders 2012-66 and 2012-67 are in effect.


Contact: Tamee Karim 666-9033 or Mark Reagan 250-627-3409.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0117
Sent February 20, 2012 at 14:59
Visit us on the Web at http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca