Halibut Meeting in Kitimat

A letter to the local paper:

To the Editor

Kitimat residents have formed the Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force. I was honored to be elected as Chairman of this dedicated and enthusiastic group of concerned citizens.

We are confident that once Kitimat Residents become aware of the Inseason Halibut Closure caused by a grossly unfair DFO Halibut Allocation Policy, Residents of Kitimat will do their part in correcting this injustice. If everyone does their small part, collectively we can all make a Big difference..

The Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force has created some "Tools" to help. We have created a Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force Poster, Fact Sheet and a Website. http://fightforhalibut.wordpress.com/

You will soon see our Poster/Fact Sheets all across Kitimat in the near future. Overwaitea has kindly offered their Bag Stuffer Service to distribute our Poster/Fact Sheets. Thank You Overwaitea! Please do not throw these out! Utilize them and "Pass them on!

The Poster should draw your attention to the Inseason Halibut Closure to the Recreation Anglers.
The Fact Sheet and Website will provide all the necessary information to inform everyone of the grossly unfair DFO Halibut Allocation Policy that is causing this closure. These tools will also help everyone to write a letter and provides the Prime Minister's Address and email address of who to send copies of your Letters to.

We are writing the Prime Minister because the Sportfishing Institute(SFI) the Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB) and BC Wildlife has been negotiating with DFO for 7 years. 7 years of negotiating has not produced a Fair and equitable Halibut Allocation Policy for all Canadians including the Commercial Sector. 4 or 5 years and thousands of Letters has not convinced this DFO Minister that the current Halibut Allocation Policy is grossly unfair to all Canadians.

The Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force has organized Strategies to oppose this Inseason closure and the DFO Halibut Allocation Policy that has caused the closure.
Our Letter Writing Campaign involves the "Power of One" Strategy. After writing your Letter, please consider using your personal Letter as a tool to first help your family to write a Letter. Then your friends, Then your relatives, fishing partners, co workers and so on. Along the way, please ask each person to contact 2 people to write a Letter and then they contact 2 people and so on. By applying the Power of One strategy, every Letter writer should be creating their own Network of Letter Writers that will grow exponentially but starts with you. If everyone does their Small part, collectively we can make a Big Difference! Every resident of Kitimat who writes a Letter and manages and helps their Network of Letter Writers to the 10th Level will have generated 2048 Letters to the Prime Minister. :-) This is the model of contacting 2 people. How many people are in your Address Book?

I am available at our Store 7:00PM to 8:00 PM to help anyone write a Letter to the Prime Minister Monday to Wednesday. The Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force Meeting is Thursday night at 7:30 at Chamber Building. Everyone is welcome to attend. In fact everyone is urged to attend...Please!

My Letter Writing sessions have revealed the following reasons why Kitimat Residents have not written Letters to the Prime Minister.

1. Didn't know of this Halibut Inseason Closure.
2. Revealed that people are threatened or intimidated by the technical details of Halibut Allocation Policy.
3. Some are not confident of their ability to write letters or know the facts.
4. Procrastinating or just not doing something they know they should.

Kitimat's Task Force has addressed this by offering the following:

1. Our Poster should draw your attention to the Inseason Halibut Closure to Recreation Anglers. Recreation Anglers will be prohibited from fishing for Halibut in
July or August and the Commercial Sector will fish until December 31st.

2. Letter writers need not concern themselves with the technical details of the Halibut Allocation Policy except to say, that it is Unfair for all Canadians and the
the Prime Minister of Canada needs to instruct the DFO Minister to change it or resign.

3. The Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force members are available to help you! A friend, relative, neighbor,hockey team mate, curling team member, golfing partner, co-worker or fishing partner may already have joined the Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force. An updated Contact List of Kitimat Halibut Task Force Members will be circulated shortly. Please feel free to contact any Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force member who you feel most comfortable writing a Letter with. Task Force members should have a sample of their own Letter to guide you or there are sample Letters on our website http://fightforhalibut.wordpress.com/ Our Fact Sheet and Website will provide all information you need.

4. Putting things off or "not doing things we know we should", is Human Nature. Canadians not writing to protest previous closures and reductions of Halibut oppurtunies is what got us where we are now and our situation will only get worse. The Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force urges you to join the fight by writing a Letter.

Letters to the Prime Minister need only to include 3 short, concise points of how this Inseason Halibut Closure will affect you personally.

I personally want to be able to fish with my children, Julie, Michelle,Brandon and Corey and my Grandson, Chase now and in the future.

I know I speak for every Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force Member when I say, " We would be Proud to Stand up and fight along side each and everyone of you to preserve our Rights and the Rights of all our Children and Grandchildren to fish for Halibut".

If everyone does their small part, collectively we can make a Big Difference!

Yours in Unity!


Ron Wakita
Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force
That is INCREDIBLE how together they are!!

Awesome to say the least.

Don't worry spy's... nothing to see here...