Halibut ,Groundfish Charters

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay
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Hello, my name is Jay and i was thinking of going Halibut fishing in with my relatives from Victoria in late April or May. I have done a thread search and discovered that Wolf dominates the Halibut talk and generaly, speaks of good numbers and also operates chartered trips. What would you pro's recommend for this area?

Thanks, Jay.
quote: What would you pro's recommend for this area?

If this means you're looking for references, I don't know him personally.

He DOES 'talk the talk' and I'm SURE that his 'walk' would match. :)
I don't know many guy's from down island, but would feel very comfortable w/ sending people his way.

He's been around here for sometime. If he was full of BS, it would be out by now and he would be out of business. Maybe look up his website and give him a call.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Thank You all, there seems to definitly be a few options available out there as far as nice fancy boats and prices.

It amazes me that with 2 current topics now about fishing for Halibut, none of the helpful 'pro's' on this site offer any advice for new guys.
I guess there's no such thing as free advice<img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>
It amazes me that with 2 current topics now about fishing for Halibut, none of the helpful 'pro's' on this site offer any advice for new guys.
I guess there's no such thing as free advice<img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>
<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> <img src=icon_smile_dissapprove.gif border=0 align=middle> <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> <img src=icon_smile_dissapprove.gif border=0 align=middle> <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>

You figure that he's looking for tips?

I'm not sure what the poster is asking. If he is looking for gear tips, he would have found TONS of info when he did the search. Years of good information there FOR FREE.

I concluded he was looking for a guide (mainly because of the thread title) AND I made reference of my uncertainty of this in my response, when I said;
quote: If this means you're looking for references....

I would like to think that if I had it all wrong, the poster would have reposted SOMETHING to that effect or maybe sent an e-mail.

Who knows, maybe he looked up Wolf, or others, and all is good (?) OR, maybe I have this post all wrong. <img src=icon_smile_blackeye.gif border=0 align=middle> However, I don't think so.

F***, NOW I NEED A MYDOL. (sp) <img src=icon_smile_angry.gif border=0 align=middle>

FWIW - I'm sure there will be lots of hands on advice, 'for free', @ the Meet n Greet before the derb. And the first round is on YOU

But I however, will decline it.

You Sir, amaze me
Good day!

Edited by - Mr. Dean on 02/17/2006 02:52:36
quote:F***, NOW I NEED A MYDOL.

Sorry about that Mr. Dean, I was looking for advice on a Guide to go with on a CHARTERED trip. I see there are many options for Guided fishing out of Sooke and Victoria, as far as boat size and prices. Is that so unclear?
Hi there, this is my first post, but I've been lurking for a couple of months. I first want to say what a great resource this site is. Many thanks to all of you who spend so much time and effort to post new topics and answer other member's questions. You guys are making a real contribution to the fishing community.

I'll digress for a bit for a quick intro, but then return to the topic of this post. I have a 23' Hourston sedan, (my pride and joy!) rigged for salmon, buts, and prawns. I keep the boat in Vancouver, but cross the strait regularly to the islands, where we have a small cabin and protected moorage. I've been fishing since I was a kid, but mostly in other people's boats (Campbell River, Kyuquot, Howe Sound, etc.) I was drawn to this site because it seemed to be populated by people who love to fish - not just in the hot spots with the best gear, but where they live and with whatever they can afford / have available. Newbies are encouraged and old pro's share the wealth. I am particularly interested in Hali fishing info around Sidney, as it is about $50 in gas closer than Victoria (and a whack 'o' cash cheaper than the WC), and I'll be running down from near Gabriola.

That said, I think the newbie to an area walks a fine line when asking someone who's put possibly hundreds of hours into fishing an area for info, especially secret holes (or in the case of halibut, humps...) You're asking these folks to part with hard fought knowledge, not just to one person, but to the entire board, and to someone few have even met! Here's a great reason for as many of us as possible to come down (or up or over) to the Derby on the 25th of March. I'll be there!

I agree w/ Mr. Dean. There is a TON of great gear info in previous posts. I've certainly geared up in the last few weeks based on what I've learnt here. Info on Location is not so plentiful, but if you read between the lines, you can get an idea, esp. Constance westwards. Me, I'm happy just to have found a forum with a bunch of like-minded fishermen. Thanks a lot, guys!
quote: Is that so unclear?

Crystal. :)

My comments were directed solely towards Hurston's remarks. He obviously doesn't like something that happened. Instead of posting a question in an effort to clear it up, he would rather condemn others. It's kinda like getting a slap in the face.

I Sir , am in the biz, albeit I don't operate a typical 'For Hire' service. I'm SURE that if you're into a true, no nonsense, no frills fishing trip, w/ a small group of people and want a guide that goes the distance for his customers, then Wolf (Roy), I believe, is the kind of guy you're likely looking for. His prices are more than fair (to cheap IMO) and runs a boat that is more than adequate for our coastal waters.

Without going into detail, I have refered customers of my own to him.

However, some customers want a 40' boat that comes w/ a complete stocked bar, air conditioning and can accommodate a party of 12 - That's OK. Just not my idea of a fishing trip. If this is sort of what you're looking for, I don't think you'll find it here.

If you haven't contacted him (Wolf) yet, I'd encourage you to do so. If you're looking for more than he can offer, he could at least get you steered in the right direction. He is a local boy. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

BTW: Traditionally, Hali season should be in it's prime for the time frame you're looking at.

It has been a pleasure conversing with you. Feel free to respond if you have any further questions. And above all............... Good luck! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>



Jay. One more thing to consider - Halibut fishing is an art. It takes more than just a nice fancy boat to catch em on a regular basis. Talk to the skipper and get referances before laying down ANY money.

Edited by - Mr. Dean on 02/17/2006 11:17:38
Hit the nail on the head Panageia. Good input, Some views are certainly being obscured by this friendly derby set up by a guide???.Good to see an unbiased input. This derby will put even more presure on a already heavily fished south island. Already guys are anchoring behind others and following people to there "secret spots" Now a simple push of the button and they now have a secret spot. Every season in Victoria there is a halibut soap opera so to speak. Guys competing for terf. Now there will be a whole new group fighting for room on small pinnicles and reefs. Look at swiftsure, It is silly. There are guides everywhere and americans and on and on the list goes.The Pacific Halibut "chickens" are getting smaller each season.
I don't think that it is like that Walter. I feel that the more interest in the sport, the more that we may be able to affect decisions on it's future as a sports fishery. When you look at what commercial does, we are but a small fraction of the amounts taken. I am a hunter too and have experienced a decline in the sport from younger folks and that is impacting decisions that are made from other groups that are not really "for" the hunting thing. It would be a shame for this to happen with fishing too.

This derby was set up for a fun get together with many people that haven't personally met before yet have in common the love of going fishing. I am no pro in hali fishing on the southern coast and really don't expect to win to be honest but it's exciting to go out and see what I can catch while in the mind set of this freindly derby.

Let's not read too much into this derby, I'm stoked, and if we catch lot's of hali's that day, there'll be lot's if fish and chips to be had by lot's of families for a while. Let's get'm!!!<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Just my humble opinion.

Off to mount Washington folks have a great weekend!!
Pangaea welcome to the site. Looking for Hali's around Sidney try the back side of Sidney Island. There is an Island call Mandarte also know as Halibut Island on the maps. You can also try around Darcy Island but look at the regs for closures. A little south of that is Zero rock also a good spot. Not alot of pressure that way for Hali's as everybody is more on the Victoria side. Sidney Anglers has a web site with some info on the area you could try that. I know a guy fishing for salmon last year that play a big hali for 1 1/2 hrs and lost it because he didn't have a harpoon, they are there. Good Luck.

Tournament Proven !
This derby will be fun and we will have quite a few prizes for more then just the biggest fish. I agree that this is for fun and for a bunch of us to get together and meet, many for the first time and make some new friends and do something we all enjoy fishing. As for Wolf helping set this up I thank him for taking his personal time out to get us all together. Plus what many of you don't know is I for one have never Halibut fished before and am looking forward to a new fishing adventure on Wolfs boat. It's not about winning it's about getting out and having some fun!!!! As for tips on how and where to fish that is why we planned the meet and greet on the friday night.
Remember one thing a smaller halibut tastes better the a big one any day.

Cheers Kev
Jay,I dont think Rollie does halibut charters,hes a great salmon fisherman I have never seen him out there for halis.
Im sure you want to spend your money on a proven HALIBUT charter operator if your looking for something specific and if I cant accomadate you I do know ALL of the others out there and can hook you up with one of them as Mr dean has mentioned hali fishing is an art you really have to know what your doing out there.

Just to let EVERYONE know this LITTLE derby is for fun only. Its for people on this FORUM to meet and just have a good old time and B.S.afterwards thats all!!!!!!!!! it is in no way shape or form to be misjudged as being impeeded upon the other derby here in Victoria
Again this is just for some buddys to get together and have fun thanks in advance Wolf

This is for you WALTER to insinuate Im in this little derby for money your completly wrong I have extended my welcome to 2 people who have never fished down here before and on this forum!!!!!!!!!! to have fun and have a get together thats all. Im only assisting in getting it organized because I live here its what the people on the forum wanted!!!!!!!!!! why be so negative enjoy fishing thats what its there for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well said Wolf. Thanks in advance for helping me put this together and for inviting me to participate on your boat this is just like the 2005 Chumfest which Ironnoggin helped me put together it's all about the fun. Who cares about winning or losing it's about doing what you love with people that enjoy the same passion as you FISHING. I can't wait this is going to be a blast.

Cheers ME