Hali on the troll.


Well-Known Member
Just curious what guys have caught Hali on most often while trolling.

I have only caught 3 Hali while trolling. Curiously they were all on mini plankton hoochies. I often use a pink/red mini as it catches most species of Salmon. I was quite surprised when I caught 2 Hali trolling on the minis last year. Again this year I caught another Hali trolling the mini hooch. All of them were decent size 30 plus pounders (not tiddlers). Has anyone else caught Halis this way? I'd be interested to hear what you've taken hali on while trolling.
3.5 Coyote spoon, green/glow, on the turn when bottom bouncing for salmon on the sand/gravel needlefish areas
A couple weeks ago I caught an 18lb halibut in Race Passage while trolling for salmon. It was with a pink haze flasher, 18" leader and a full size pink hoochie. Bounced bottom around 75'.
Squirts,hootchies,spoons, bait will all work as long as they are fished right off bottom
in the south Vanc island area.
Not so much this year though. :confused::(
plug worked this year for hali and ling but the plug gets beat from the mud so dont use your killer salmon one any glow color should work