Yes, the Guides have worked to carefully construct Covid Protocols which have been advanced by the SFI on behalf of the entire Guide/Lodge sector. The intention is to put in place a robust Plan. WorkSafe requires each business to have a Covid 19 Safety Plan, which must be posted and available for all employees and guests. The plan we advanced also contained a proposal to have each guest sent a Covid Plan/protocol that describes to them how they should travel, and limit potential contact with people within communities along the way to minimize the risks.
When I attended a WorkSafe seminar this past week, they clearly indicated that while there are no Orders from PHO preventing charters or Lodges under 50 guests from operating, the government has indicated that Lodges will not be operating until Phase 3. The best info I have from Destination BC indicated that Phase 3 would run from June to September, and only allows BC Residents.
The situation is quite fluid and subject I would suggest to changes along the way. One indicator however, is the Province is opening up campsite bookings....but only to BC residents. No out of province bookings are allowed. That could be an indication on which direction they will ultimately lean towards.
Time will tell.