GPS has anyone got one of these???


Well-Known Member
Hello as some of you know I got helped here purchasing my quad from a fellow members referall now hers another one for you guys has anybody used or have this model of gps

I have looked at all the features and there is a map for it which covers southern BC and the neatest part is its a GMRS and if you have a buddy its tells you where both of you are while talking to each other.

If anyone knows anything about unit please this let me know thanks

i looked into a similar unit a while back (i forget what it was called but it was the vhf combined with gps) im sure if you search around you'll find it pretty easily theres only 2 or 3 on the market. There great for a simple basic unit, but i looked into it and getting a gps and a vhf will give you obviously better results and performance than this on the most part.
I have a previous model that looks the same but doesn't have the colour screen. Works good for me but I never bought the detailed map for it. It comes with a rough map featuring the main shore contours and the major roads in all of North America. Good enough to get you home but nothing more...The radio is not the greatest - you can hear ok but the transmitter is pretty week so your partners barely hear you when you are a few hundred metres away... Maybe this newer model is a bit more sophisticated...
I've owed two Rhinos and sent both back for warranty. The conecept is great and they worked OK but I've had battery a drain issue (as in less than 1 hour) and a smoking unit (literally) issue. Took a credit from Garmin on the second warranty as I'd rather have something reliable. I now run separate comms and gps.
Thanks guys I want it more for the detailed map capablilities that unit i may take a chance which model did you have ratherbefishing??/

thanks Wolf
I had the base model...I believe it was the Rhino 110 then upgraded to the 120 in hope that it might resolve the problems but it didn't. Garmin was pretty good about repairing then offering a credit to purchase something different when I had the problem again. I am still a Garmin fan tho.