Goldstream Hatchery

totally tyee

Active Member
Talked to a fellow today who volunteers at the hatchery and he told me that only two chinook returned this year and both were male. I asked him if they brought in some Chinook from another hatchery and he stated that DFO wouldn't allow it.

"I asked him if they brought in some Chinook from another hatchery and he stated that DFO wouldn't allow it."

Interesting! But Atlantic salmon are okay - after all they never escape and if by chance they do they won't spawn in our west coast waters.:(
I think they used to get eggs from Nitnat, but they could not spare any eggs this year.. The Goldy had no returns as of 10 years ago, but with salmon enhancement they had some good chinook returns the last few years, with the exception of this year. Like everywhere else.. Without salmon enhancement that creek would be dead.. Enhancement is the only solution.. O-there's one other, wait for wild fish to come back. LOL....