Gibbs Punk Skunk Spoons

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
I never hear people talk about Punk Skunks any more. Back in 2000 or so when fishing Vancouver and the straight we alway ran a glow green coyote on one side and a punk skunk on the other side. We always had great luck with both of them. I would fish them all winter long till the coho showed up then I would put the spoons away for a few months.

How many of you use them?
Are they still a hot spoon?
I understand people in Vic. love using Glow/Greens Coyotes..Have you tried Punk Skunks?

Since moving to Courtney I have had not luck with either.
The Punk Skunk color combo is a good one.
I use that color scheme for lead jigs...which I paint myself....and it works pretty good.
I haven't seen the Gibbs spoon around in stores...but I have seen it in mags.
Spinnow jigs come in "Punk Skunk" color for their larger halibut spinnows (9 oz. and up)
I have a couple of those. Ling love 'em.

I made up a few spoons in that color pres. for use this year on salmon......can't wait to try 'em out.

Last year the Cop Car spoons kicked the nuts off my Green/Glow spoons all year long.
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Gibbs Punk Skunks work great and they're available in Gypsies, Gators and a couple of 5.5 Wonders. This colour combo is one of my go to colour combos. I have all of these spoons...have yet to catch a fish on the Punk Skunk Wonders though...probably because I fished them just 2 times. Good Colour combo.... I know a couple of guides beside myself who fish this one....they do alright! :) :)