Gas going up...again


Well-Known Member
So the gas just went up another 3 cents this morning and is now 117.9/l here in Port McNeill. Summer must be just around the corner:D[:p]

Is the price of gas going to affect your fishing this year? I have been thinking about the tuna post and the time of travel, and then look at gas prices and see myself being frugal with the amount of long distance fishing I will be doing this year.

So is the price of gas, among other things, going to curtail your fishing activities?


At the moment it will not affect my fishing at all as I find my setup very fuel efficient. I can go a weekend of trolling and running around for around 30$.

That is of course only counting boat fuel [:p]
Rising fuel costs will hit everyone big this year. If some of the dire predictions come to fruition, with a 50% increase in fuel costs expected by this summer, it could put a crimp on everything from the week-enders to the charters that will pass it on to their guests.
Think about some of the operators last year on the Uki side spending 250 bucks on fuel daily may have to fork over 375 every day.
Then there are the truckers...and then the green fee tax on top of it all.....
But it's still cheaper than buying bottled water!
Go figure.

There have been alternatives to gas for countless years. Perhaps you have forgotten oars or sails? ;)

Fishing Guide

I am Canadian. Let's go fishing, eh!
Glad I kept to a small boat (60 Johnson), but will be using the kicker a lot more this year. Just bought a rowboat too, so if it gets ridiculous, I'll be after trout.

But other than that, I think the price we are getting hit with is a crock. The speculators spot price bears no relationship to what the major oil companies pay (can you say 'record profits'). And our Liberal Green Tax is also a piece of ..... The 2 cents a litre is not enough, with all the other price hikes, to deter anybody from using fuel. The oil majors are doing just fine in raising our costs to reduce consumption. Just an extra levy to pay for politicians wet transit dreams in the Lower Mainland, without a thought to what happens in the rest of the province.

Ok, I'm done ranting.
That is crazy 117 a liter that is over 4.25 us a gallon. I am heading up there this summer maybe I should start hording the gas now. We are up to 3.2 us a gallon and it is just march. Should by 5 dollars a gallon by summer. I guess I'll just have to give up beer
quote:Originally posted by battaglino

That is crazy 117 a liter that is over 4.25 us a gallon. I am heading up there this summer maybe I should start hording the gas now. We are up to 3.2 us a gallon and it is just march. Should by 5 dollars a gallon by summer. I guess I'll just have to give up beer

Think $7.25 per Can. gallon.
All those sail boats we see every year using their iron sails, I think will actually be using sails.:)
Try a Cruise Ship ticket for two weeks!!.....they won't have Lucky or Coors Lite in hand..LoL..[^] this is still cheap:DIt won't slow me down.. Gotta love it when you catch one too!
ps More trolling than running?[:p]
A person with an addiction has to get his/her fix no matter the cost.

And I'm addicted :D:D:D