Garmin Reactor 40 Kicker Autopilot

Mike park

Active Member
Finally arrived last week, It was almost a 2 month wait once I ordered it from GPS Central for them to get this released from Garmin April 2019 as it's a new model to replace the TR-1 Gold .

Uses a NMEA 2000 interface to control the system along with your chart plotter , servo motor through the tilt tube to actuate steering , a heading sensor and an ECU controller , the electronic throttle actuator motor is cable drive coupled to the kicker throttle, hand held remote floats and has a cradle holder .
No pump or Hyd. fluid , low amp draw electrically controlled, only maintenance is the tilt tube actuator arm lubrication which is seasonal.
Has a bunch of cables included, I just need to get my NMEA 2000 backbone in first .

Still has the preset trolling patterns zig ,zag etc. and the GPS hold position function the TR-1 had so it should function the same , now I just need to get my boat out of storage to get it installed .
So what do you guys think..
reactor 40.jpeg
I am green with envy. No one wants to buy my brand new TR1.
I think the TR-1 Gold is a great unit just a bit more to the install than the above unit , but it would still be a great system .
I usually don't buy the new model until the bugs are worked out but this is one of the first few to Canada, so I hope it works OK.
Your TR-1 Gold is a proven system..
It will sell you just need to try listing it in more spots , try listing it in the states as well 35 % exchange will help..
I have serial number 00283 so it is an early model
Looks like they supplied the cables I need as well as terminating resistors , now I can make a plan for the backbone parts


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My TR1 was great but it looked like someone built it in their basement.
This one looks way more professional. Garmin makes nice stuff.
Looking forward to hearing now it works
Definitely looks well made its water proof , all the connectors are color coded . Stainless steering actuator looks very well made.
I wanted to be able to follow bottom contours on the plotter or hold position , fish solo if I want and be able to run it either from the helm or the back deck.
So it should be interesting ..
We purchased the Garmin Reactor 40 at the 2020 Vancouver boat show. It WAS very slick while it worked. It only lasted the first 7 days of our 10 day fishing trip. We did get approval for warranty on the Steering Actuator, but had to secure the part with a $2500CAD deposit (almost as much as we paid for the entire package). Our next fishing trip next week will most likely be without a kicker, as the warranty exchange is not going smoothly at all. So far, it has not been a pleasant experience dealing with customer service from Garmin, leaves much to be desired.
I had a TR1 and hated it..... always something going or not working properly. Bought a real autopilot and haven’t looked back..... would highly recommend a autopilot as you can use it for trolling as well as on your main can also set it up through the chart plotter and also has turn patterns etc.
if you want to do it cheap get a haswing GPS bow mount trolling motor for $700 and set your kicker to a fixed position 1/2 throttle while the haswing does steering. the haswing has wifi+gps so it can do waypoint follow on the map etc and is controllable by your phone app. it even has anchor lock.
I had a TR1 and hated it..... always something going or not working properly. Bought a real autopilot and haven’t looked back..... would highly recommend a autopilot as you can use it for trolling as well as on your main can also set it up through the chart plotter and also has turn patterns etc.

Hey solo, what autopilot did do you have now "real autopilot" lol, Lowrance/Somard has a declined one, so I have heard....