Fraser sox


Active Member
This summer is going to be exiting for Fraser sox! Having fished commercially and have a 30yr log book of area 12 (lower Johnstone Str) I have some info on where the sox will be at various stages of the tides if anyone is interested. My question is which direction to fish in a strong tide? When the tide is going 3 kn as is often in Nodales Ch,Rock Bay or Green Sea Bay (Aug 10 has a 12.9 and 14.6 kn currant in Seymour Narrows,which is what we base the fishing on in the lower Str) are the fish idling facing up currant while being carried along with the currant or facing down currant? Ideally we troll with the currant but with this tide is 4-5 kn the way to do it or sit idling in the currant? I have outriggers on a 26' Skipjack so plan as many as 9 rods if weeds,currant and boats agree. tight lines, Mike
would be nice to keep a few offshore also...