Fraser Chinook forecasts.


any insight into the projected returns for this year? Last year was very good for my boat, hoping for the same.
Have you been following the SRKW thread?
It’s related to Fraser Chinooks
any insight into the projected returns for this year? Last year was very good for my boat, hoping for the same.
Here is something that can help you.


This info comes from WA state:

From the water temp maps it looks like most Salmon coast-wide experienced the same environmental issues.

Here is some info from our good friends in AK:

Keep an eye out for the Pacific 2018 Chinook Abundance Index forecast.

It appears all Chinook runs on the Pacific coast are experiencing similar environmental conditions. FYI low snowpack will be influencial on Salmon that spend time rearing in freshwater. When you see something like "Fraser river 52 summer run", the 2 refers to how many years they spend in fresh water.