Crew Member
Florentino SeaAnchor Setup:
+ 6' Coastal ParaAnchor
+ 100' 1/2" Double Braided Nylon Rode
+ 125' 3/8" Double Braided Floating Multifilament Polypropylene Rode
+ Additional Harken 80mm Aluminum Element Mastbase Block - Swivel
-- Not including prawn float shown in pictures below
Near new condition - used only five times - thoroughly washed with freshwater and hung in a dryroom before storing away.
Thought I'd take a chance last year and bought this setup to be a quick deploy/retrieve when drift-fishing for halibut and lingcod; keep the bow into the waves and reduce seasickness for guests. However discovered that it ever so slightly drifts too quickly as we typically backtroll around 0.3-0.4kn to keep lines vertical; whereas under load with a 22' boat at ~5,500lbs this setup reduces drift speed to 0.9-1.3kn even with gusts up to 25-30kns, seas 2-3m.
Also tested with a 25' boat at ~8,000lbs and it works just as well.
Decided to pull it out today with sunny weather, and put it on the market thinking it might have a purpose for tuna fisherman who might want to stay out overnight and cut down fuel costs when working on a possession limit of 2x daily limit. Or just generally to have as a safety device.
The whole system takes all of 2-mins both to deploy and retrieve, and is very comfortable when in use.
Paid about $850 for the setup; asking $550.
Location: Nanaimo
PS: Talking with Zack at Florentino directly, he recommended the Coastal version for the 6' version. He said at that size it's more than structurally strong enough. If going any of the sizes larger then it's worthwhile purchasing the Offshore version.
Attached are a few Youtube Videos demonstrating.
Attached photos at the bottom.
+ 6' Coastal ParaAnchor
+ 100' 1/2" Double Braided Nylon Rode
+ 125' 3/8" Double Braided Floating Multifilament Polypropylene Rode
+ Additional Harken 80mm Aluminum Element Mastbase Block - Swivel
-- Not including prawn float shown in pictures below
Near new condition - used only five times - thoroughly washed with freshwater and hung in a dryroom before storing away.
Thought I'd take a chance last year and bought this setup to be a quick deploy/retrieve when drift-fishing for halibut and lingcod; keep the bow into the waves and reduce seasickness for guests. However discovered that it ever so slightly drifts too quickly as we typically backtroll around 0.3-0.4kn to keep lines vertical; whereas under load with a 22' boat at ~5,500lbs this setup reduces drift speed to 0.9-1.3kn even with gusts up to 25-30kns, seas 2-3m.
Also tested with a 25' boat at ~8,000lbs and it works just as well.
Decided to pull it out today with sunny weather, and put it on the market thinking it might have a purpose for tuna fisherman who might want to stay out overnight and cut down fuel costs when working on a possession limit of 2x daily limit. Or just generally to have as a safety device.
The whole system takes all of 2-mins both to deploy and retrieve, and is very comfortable when in use.
Paid about $850 for the setup; asking $550.
Location: Nanaimo
PS: Talking with Zack at Florentino directly, he recommended the Coastal version for the 6' version. He said at that size it's more than structurally strong enough. If going any of the sizes larger then it's worthwhile purchasing the Offshore version.
Attached are a few Youtube Videos demonstrating.
Attached photos at the bottom.
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