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my self i`ve always used a standard style flasher , oki or hot spot . anybody ever try those new e-chip flashers??? your response 2 them . And those triagle style flashers??? just curious of your response

tight lines
made a recent trip into walmart have you <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle> :P

i bought an e-chip 1 cause they looked cool but the boats not in yet :( i think the trianglee no drag ones work well minus they dont send out sounds/vibrations..i dontthink

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats
Was out fishing at Porlier in Feb and my partner outfished me 3 to 1 with a 4" e-chip glo flasher and coyote spoon. He picked up a 18 and a 8 plus lost a fish and I only had one strike. Was it the flasher or the spoon??? I had a standard O'ki flasher in blue and a coyote cop car spoon. He had on the dinky little e-chip flasher and an all white with yellow stripe along the edge coyote spoon.
I ended up buying the spoon but I'm not yet convinced it was the flasher.
We have used the echip flashers for the past two years and the definaly out fished the standard flashers. They also have lures with the echip I have not tried them but maybe this year. Of course I believe the black boxes on my cannon downriggers work too. Some wise man on the web page said "Is the lure (or flasher) made to catch the fish or the fisherman?" All joking aside they have outfished the non echip 2 to 1 for the last two seasons on the 80 plus days on the water.

Joey B.
5 years ago a guest brought up those flashers to the lodge they wernt even on the market yet so I gave them a shot and they did work well the only colors they had were red and green but I must admit I was surprised with the result,
so I asked for them and used them down here in sooke and sure enough got fish then lost it to a seal even used it in derbys and got fish. just couldnt get them up here before this year but ill buy them!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
I've used them for the last three seasons with mixed results.
On larger Springs (over 25) they don't seem to work any different than other flashers. But on 15 to twenty pounders/Sockeye and Chum, they worked great.
Had some chips sent to me by the factory and used them in hootchies and on the Baitbuster lure with better than great success.
Look for them to be installed in hootchies this year with, I believe,is a Mustad line.


What did the charge you for the chips. I was trying to figure out where to purchase them. We where thinking about rigging some up to other lures. Tight lines,sharp hooks a a few hail Mary's.

Joey B.
Just saw some 'new' e-chip flashers.
One thing stands out-the Chinese are geniuses at making things cheaper and cheaper very time they produce a run.
The rings on the units are smaller/thinner than the older ones, the swivels cheaper and the finish on the bodies flimsier than ever.
Look for even more delamination and lost units due to junk manufacturing techniques.
Leading from Nedarb2's comment "made a recent trip into walmart have you" I ventured into that store today.
Are those the one's you're talking about?
They have 2 models now. One plain, and the other with a little plastic ridging down at the tail end to increase spin.
And about 6 different colour sets.
Oh, what to do? Buy 1, buy them all?
And I saw the triangular flashers too.

I wonder what old Abe and Al would make out of these modern improvements?

Edited by - Time on 04/11/2006 22:56:34
battaglino...I have been testing these units for the manufacturer for a while ....so it "costs" me nothing except time to test the units.
They do not retail just the chips as far as I know.
But I can tell you that if they eventually do so, then try them on your bait, as they did work well last year in Barkley and Nootka.

As for them being built cheaper, they have indicated that they will be better than the first ones that were made three years ago, so although they look thinner, they are supposed to be more robust.
The extra fin on the flashers give them a better kick to activate the chip.
The six inch model worked very well on Sockeye last year in Port with a short leadered mp15.

Thanks Orca,

They have them on some of spoons and Apex now I will probably convince my Doctor freind to pick up a few for the trip to Barkley this year. Do you guide out of those areas? I use to bring marine equipment up there to my "friends" back when it was much cheaper down here. I had a wholesale licence for fishing equipment and firearms but don't do much of that anymore.

Joey B.

The chinese are great a copying things but you are right there is always something wrong with them. I live there for 3 years and we always refered to it as the land of the alomost right. It won't be long before we wont make anything in US or Canada. When ever I can I try to purchase US or Canadian tackle but it is getting harder and harder. That is why I started collecting tackle. Some times my wife is ready to kill me I think at last count I was up to 30 tackle boxes all from garage sales. I realy like the old Canadian Wonders half chrome and brass the 6 or 7 inch ones. They are really getting hard to find.

Joey B.