Back in the day when I used to fish the Alberni Inlet in late August/Sept I found that the spawners often preferred a blank blade with no tape on it and a chovy behind the flasher.
A straight purple blank blade was very good too.
So I take the tape off the blades with such things as WD40 etc.etc.
It's a pain in the butt getting all the sticky off..........
So that's how I ended up with a blank green blade.
Blank themselves, are not usually found in tackle shops......
I had some tape that I cut fish symbols out of......
That flasher in the second pic that looks like a fish is a production flasher.......they are still around.......first came from Great Lakes.....
The future of flashers:- what I see is:-
(a) chambers inside the body of the flasher that contain liquid that activate when the flasher is rotating producing certain effects and colors. These would be micro-chambers and the thickness of the flasher would not be affected.
(b) Micro LED inserts in the body of the flasher that activate when the flasher is rolling. Again these would be micro and not affect the thickness of the flasher.
(c) certain tapes that are water-contact activated and produce certain effects over and above the base color of the tape.
(d) O'ki is already producing two-tone tapes...that is depending on what angle you look at the flasher from, the color is on some custom car paint jobs.
I think this still in it's infancy and there is better yet to come.
(e) Flasher with bult in "audio" chips.....chips that emit an audible sonic frequency that attracts fish.
Regardless of what the flasher actually looks like to fish.......I have noticed that certain finishes like "Plaid-prism" and "Cracked ice" will actually cause fish to take hits on the flasher itself......
My flashers with these finishes on them (like Purple Haze and Green Haze and Hotspot Chameleon) all have teeth marks all over them.
Other less aggressive-finish flashers that I use have no teeth marks at all......