Flasher Rotation?


Well-Known Member
What kind of rotation does the flasher impart on the hootchie? I want to start fishing more by myself, and I need to know if I need to vary the depth of my down riggers much. And second question: do certain flashers impart more or less rotation? Thanks in advance.
The flasher itself rotates in a circular arc.

Depends on your leader length as to the amount of rotation you will get on the hoochy. The shorter the leader (at a given speed) on the hoochy, the bigger circular rotation it will make. A really long leader won't put too much action on the hoochy.

Boat speed makes a difference. Also how far you put the flasher back from the release clip.

Some guides at Painter's did a bit of a "bro'" study on flashers some time back....and found that certain brands rotate slower or faster than others. IMO you can't go wrong with HotSpot or O'ki.

A "dodger" imparts a darting side-to-side action on the lure.

A flasher revolves in a circular arc.

Depending on the species you are fishing for is what will determine size of hoochy, leader length, color of flasher etc .etc .etc.

My self I usually start with (for Chinooks) a 4 inch hoochy (if using hoochy), 40lb test leader that is 37 inches from back of flasher to nose of hoochy including all hardware.

If it is a 3 or 4 inch spoon behind flasher I start with 30 or 40lb leader and go 60 inches from back of flasher to nose of spoon.

The downrigger gets you to where the fish are. If they are at 120ft.....you put down the appropriate amount of d/line until you are at that depth.

I usually (for starters) drop the flasher back about 15 or 20ft from the d/line.

Boat speed (for starters) about 2 to 2.3 miles per hour going WITH the current or across it but not against it.

Just my 2.7 cents.......:D