fishing programs

quote:Have you caught Sharkhunters on OLN.
California shark tournament.
Makes those eastern bass fishing shows look like childs play

I cant for the life of me watch this show. Talk about brutal handling of fish. That show made me sick to my stomach. Here are beautiful fish that are fewer and fewer in numbers every year. And these obnoxious goofs bring them in "green" by harpooning the **** out of them and then tying them to the transom or drowning them by towing. I cant think of a more reprehensible way to treat a amazing fish. It also does not make our sport look any better to the public. Just my 2 cents.
Scottyboy, I saw that Fish TV show as well and completely agree with you. That was some terrible fish handling...gill holds and "torpedo" releasing fish should not be promoted on TV. Ridiculous. You can add me to your list...Jason Purvis
well i`m getting kinda pissed at these guys . why don`t a couple of you guys e-mail these fools and back me up . fishing shows have a responibility 2 the fish and the public 2 handle fish in the correct way or they should not have a show . as sports fisherman we must stand up , we reserve the right 2 speak are minds . scottyboy