Fishermen. Tune into the Leaders debate this evening.

The BC leaders debate is tonight at 6:30 on all the news channels. You can bet they will be talking about issues that effect our fish. In the name of sport fishing, tune in an hear the leaders before you vote! Because one of them is actually making sense. But you have to watch the debate, because the news channels only cover Dix / Clark bickering over who is more dishonest.
I'm hoping the question about fish farming comes up. We all know where the liberals stand on this. I would like to know the NDP position? Anyway I have already made up mind mind how I am voting, I want change!
I'm hoping the question about fish farming comes up. We all know where the liberals stand on this. I would like to know the NDP position? Anyway I have already made up mind mind how I am voting, I want change!

The topic will come up.
Dix' position will be to say we should do more studies, start an inquiry, we will throw some big money at the problem. He will then attack the Liberals, saying the Liberal government axed programs to look into it? He will promise to restore them. Basically anything to get your vote in the election. In fact, Dix and Clark are now starting to read right out of the green book when asked questions like this. But it is just to get re elected, there is no feeling behind it. Dix is salivating over that compensation package and pension, but Clark doesn't want to give it up. Which crook will win? I say lets vote for honesty and integrity. I want to move away from a growth based economy. Its all the same old BS.

Jane Sterk will say she and her party stand firmly against fish farming, and if given the opportunity, will eliminate fish farming and focus on enhancing the wild salmon stocks. She will then explain how that benefits our economy. She may talk about the how the government has discounted the science of the worlds leading experts on the matter, and put a gag order on even discussing the issue.

"I dont want to split the vote by voting green" is making me want to puke. I encourage everyone to vote for the candidate they feel will represent them and their interests weather thats Liberal, independent, NDP, Conservative or Green
Ya the only thing the spoke about that would effect fish among everything else on the coast and province was the tankers and pipelines. NDP really never once gave a clear yes or no to the pipeline and tankers. There was a lot of blame and defecting but Even more smoke and mirrors!!
Ya i'm surprised they didn't even raise the topic tonight. They did on the CKNW debate on Monday and it was as I described above. It doesn't really matter what the NDP's position is anyway. Because the position you hear in an election is never the position you get when their in. The only position they take is whatever their pollsters tell them will get you to tick their box on the ballot.
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Leaders debate:
I was in the garage playing with my downriggers so I missed it on purpose. Besides it's 72" for bait, 4-7' for spoons, 36-42" for hootchies. Nothing left to debate really.
Ya he deflected alot said no to 9 fold tanker traffic but never said if they will increase the tanker traffic just n to 9 fold the current levels. I though NDP never really gave a lot of clear Yes or No answers.
I watched most of the debate, all i got from it is Christy Clark is the best public speaker! Adrian Dix was nervouse, John Cummins is old and the green party want to stop the prohibition of pot! Can't we have a fifth choice- none of the above.
I watched most of the debate, all i got from it is Christy Clark is the best public speaker! Adrian Dix was nervouse, John Cummins is old and the green party want to stop the prohibition of pot! Can't we have a fifth choice- none of the above.

Agree !!! 3 or 4 million and this is the best would could? Christy Clark took the brunt of the questions tonight I though she did ok. I'm sure it's not a easy job and I wouldn't want to be up there!
No, I can't remember that long ago, but I know my a$$ still hurts from the liberals for the past 12 years. Go figure.
remember the last time our province was NDP?..
YEP!!! And still have nightmares about it!

I am not about to say that the Liberals are angels or anything, but being a small business owner, I tend to prefer the Liberal Platform for growth of business. The last 5 years or so have not been that great due to the $h!# Storm that the North American economies have endured, this was not the making of the Liberal party, but they were the face of power at the time so they get associated to the results.

The problem that I have with the Liberals, is that the leader Christy Clark, has been very lacklustre in her performance as a leader, great at public speaking, and photo ops. She needs to roll up her sleeves, get some dirt under her fingernails, and get some real work done.

The problem that I have with the NDP is that I don't see Adrian Dix turning out any better than Christy, although he has definitely promised ahead of time to raise our taxes!!! Does anyone know what they are up to in campaign promises to date? The last I heard was that it was in the BILLIONS on top of admitting to forecasting deficits for the first 2-3 years (until they have spent all of the money and then say, "well you guys wanted it, we gave it to you, and now you WILL pay for it - Your TAXES are now going up!"). Not for me!

What did ol' Georgy Porgy say? Fool me once,,, Shame on you,,, Ahhh here watch the video:p

So those that say remember NDP from way back in 90's...should we keep Libs in for the next 30 years till you forget again then? That's a completely unfair and silly argument to say that of oh so long you think the Trudeau Liberals are the same as when Chretien was leader? No (although poor example as the federal liberals have shown very little change in their approach...which is why they are currently 3rd party).
You don't have to talk to too many people before you run into people that remember having an NDP government in different provinces, (BC, Manitoba, Ontario), and in all cases they run the provinces into the ground and run the deficits into oblivion.

At any rate, if you believe the polls, it is looking like we will soon enough see if the NDP is still as some of us remember them from the 90's.

What we need is a government that is accountable to the people of the province, and interested in growing and developing a strong job force and economy to support our elderly and future generations. Not one that "spends our children's inheritance".

We need to create industry and jobs that generate new tax dollars, not more government jobs that are paid out of the tax pool. We need a lot of things. Most of all we need a leader that is responsible, strong, compassionate, creative, forward thinking, flexible, stable, intelligent and willing to work hard. Oh I almost forgot the most important attribute,,, HONESTY!

Unfortunately the political candidate gene pool doesn't look that deep right now:eek:.
I'm hoping the question about fish farming comes up. We all know where the liberals stand on this. I would like to know the NDP position? Anyway I have already made up mind mind how I am voting, I want change!

I am not surprised that topic was not raised. That's the problem, we all care, but no one who has a shot at winning any election gives a hoot. In their minds, they have bigger fish to fry, pardon the pun.