Fish Finder Help


Active Member
Hi guys, I bought a new fish finder recently, the other one kicked the bucket, its a very basic Humminbird piranhamax 160, and I need some help with it. I will be powering it with a 12v deep cycle battery, the same battery that powers my trolling motor. In the instructions it recommends using a inline fuse holder, and a 1 amp fuse. I have little idea what these are, and if they are really necessary. Is it ok to have my fish finder and trolling running off the same battery? Do I need a 1 amp fuse, and a inline fuse holder, or can I put the wires right onto the terminals, and begin using it.


I use a fishfinder and trolling motor all the time. no fuse, but sometimes my FF cuts out when the battery is low. maybe its bad for it, but no problems yet in 50+ hrs of fishing
I use a fuse on my trolling motor but use a separate small 12v battery for the sonar as it can act funny when hooked up to the same battery I am using for the motor.
BGM you arent using a fuse or anything for your fish finder. just the wires directly onto the battery terminals?

You should use the fuse holder as it provides protection to the Fishfinder in the event of a surge or other potential electrical issue. Without the inline fuse you risk damaging the Fishfinder. The inline fuse holder is nothing special. Canadian Tire or any other parts store would have them for $5 or so just ask at the parts counter. Connect one end of the positive wire from your fishfinder to it and attach the other end from the fuse holder to the positive terminal on the battery. The other, negative end (wire) on the fishfinder goes directly to the negative terminal on the battery. Yes you can run boththe trolling motor and finder off the same battery. Just carry a spare fuse with you in case one blows out.
ok, thanks for your help. What do you mean if a fuse blows out. Sorry for all the newb questions, I have not knowledge regrading this topic

If you have a glass or a blade type fuse there will be a small strip of metal that provides the protection within the fuse. If for some rerasson there was an unusal power demand it would melt or blow. This would prevent damage to the device it is protecting as it cuts off the power to the unit being served. After you determine what caused the fuse to blow than you could replace it with your spare and carry on fishing.
oh, i get. Thanks for your help, I think I will pick 1 or 2 of those up, they seem pretty inexpensive, and if it may save my ff i think its worth it

A fuse is essential!! read the literature with the FF and check what size it needs and use that size only. Carry a spare. You only need one fuse holder and it should be on the positive wire going to the batterry-usually red. The trolling moter should not be an issue.
A fuse is essential!! read the literature with the FF and check what size it needs and use that size only. Carry a spare. You only need one fuse holder and it should be on the positive wire going to the batterry-usually red. The trolling moter should not be an issue.

Now that you mention it, I don't think I have a fuse on my trolling motor. Can't recall right now.