First time out tomorrow - Checklist Help


Hey Guys,

So looks like tomorrow my brother and I will be heading out for the first time. Look out lake for some stocked trout is where we'll be trying. From what I've been reading on the forum it may not be the best time to go out for shoreline fishing, but this way we can get some practice casting, tying knots, ect.

I think we'll be trying live bait or power bait(yay, nay?) over lures, but I'll take a couple lures as well (any lure recommendations would be great). Going to have to float the bait if I'm not mistaken, anyone have any recs for the weight to use, do i even need one?

Are there any really good artificial worms?

What are the hook sizes that work best for trout?

Things I'll be taking:

- Rod and reel
- Bait and lures
- Small Knife
- Net (don't think I need one for shore fishing, but what the heck)
- Needle nose pliers
- Tape Measure
- Cooler with ice
- rag

Is there anything I'm missing, or anything I wouldn't really need on that list?


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fishing licence. if you do not yet have one. remember they expire at the end of the month so it might not be worth getting unless you go out a lot.
fishing licence. if you do not yet have one. remember they expire at the end of the month so it might not be worth getting unless you go out a lot.

Ooh didn't know they expire at the end of the month. Maybe a day license for tomo might be the way to go.

see, this needs to change, why cant you get your new license b4 the old one expires?..maybe you can?...and if you can, how many days b4 the 31st can one aquire the new one???....holmes*

Fiscal year for the govt - but i know what ya mean...

agree with FA - make it lucky and fireball! and dont forget the rain gear
Using Powerbait will give you time to enjoy the Lucky and Fireball...... you might consider reserving the Fireball for when you catch a fish -:)
Using Powerbait will give you time to enjoy the Lucky and Fireball...... you might consider reserving the Fireball for when you catch a fish -:)

Haha, not a bad idea!

Grabbed the Powerbait this afternoon, along with the new rod and real. Took me awhile, but everything is ready to go.