Family Fishing Weekend June 16-17 ,2012

actually brian is 15th friday to the 17th, sunday, both fresh and salt water are free fishing however you need a salmon tag to retain a salmon still, my event is at lafarge and man i hope its dry out
Yup-- us Courtenay guys only do the trout program at the Courtenay Fish and Game on Sat and Sun. Sat does not look too good weatherwise, but Sunday should be good.

Our volunteers need a little rest from a week of running a BCWF Fishing Forever event for seniors and handicapped in the Valley......but both programs sure put a lot of smiles on peoples faces, both the volunteers and the participants.

Have a great weekend!

Well we really got screwed by the weather reports for Courtenay-- supposed to be a gully-washer. People stayed away in droves... But apart from 2 10 min showers, it was a GREAT day at Comox lake. Bright sunny weather in the afternoon. The small numbers that did "brave" the weather got limits for the family...... Many happy anglers eating trout for dinner tonight.

Starts tomorrow at 9 am. best fishing time was from 10am to noon, when it slowed a bit. Come on out!

Ps-- lots of free Thrifty Foods hotdogs and drinks tomorrow too. SUCH A DEAL!
Made it...what a cool event! Thanks to CL and the rest of the volunteers for all the hard work.
You guys sure have a beautiful spot for your club!
brian, here is one for the books, i was at the lake all friday guarding my netted trout, suntanning, a few beers and take away, all the while listening to the ever worsening weather reports, getting more and more depressed thing that no one would show up, went to bed hoping for a miracle, was woken up at 3 am by rain storm pounding window, knew it was fubarred this year, arrived at lake 8 am to find tent grass totally under water, great........wet feet.... however there were already about 50 people fishing already , so i was wondering????,.... then it started >people dressed up in full rain gear started coming and coming and coming and coming, all our loaner rods were gone by 10am , the netted area " the fish zone(800 trout) kids were lined up for 30 meters, and it dint stop, they kept on coming, all in all, my biggest turn out in 13 years of doing this, dont know how what where or why buy very happy, a link will be posted soon here for a collage of pics of my event, im off to Ucluelet Tuesday
Made it...what a cool event! Thanks to CL and the rest of the volunteers for all the hard work.
You guys sure have a beautiful spot for your club!

Dan-- Sorry I didnt have time to say much more than "hello" I am glad you guys had a great time. and thanks for the nice comment of our property-- we are very proud of the volunteer effort that worked out so well.

What difference a day makes!! (Somebody should use that in a song....Oh, they already did! LOL)
First day of the BC Family Fishing Weekend at the Courtenay and District Fish and Game stocked pond at Comox lake was SLOW!!! Only about 250 anglers.. a miserable weather forecast kept folks away for fear of being drown in a monsoon!!! But it didnt happen.. a couple of showers, and trout just DYING to bite ! Thrifty Foods only gave away 25 dozen hotdogs and a bunch of drinks.

But Sunday--WOW! They came!! and kept coming all day. Weather was beautiful (apart from the hurricane that ripped out one of our main tents in the am) But the fish cooperated and the hotdog count went up to 75 doz dogs before Thriftys ran out! Cant say enough for GoFish BC for the donation of 1500 rainbow trout for not only Family Fishing, but also our week long Fishing Forever program for seniors and handicapped, Thrifty Foods for the 100 doz dogs and cases of drinks, The BC Family Fishing Society for the donation of rods and reels and the great help from local suppliers such as Tyee Marine, Gone Fishin, and Walmart. But most of all-- a HUGH thanks to the great volunteers from the Courtenay and District Fish and Game who instructed dozen of new anglers, untangled a bunch of MAJOR tackle malfunctions and cleaned and bagged hundreds of trout... GREAT JOB! ......................... From My Facebook Page

Cam-- if I could get my Photobucket to work, we could compare pics-- I bet you have some really great pics of kids with fish too! Now go get some fish for yourself!

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yeah thanks sculpin, a friend of mine put that together and we will be using that and other videos of various events to promote our club at our banquet, ill let her know you enjoyed it. tite lines