F**cking Mice


Crew Member
Had my prawn traps stored in an outside shed. F**king mice chewed big holes in the mesh on most of them. Do I toss them or replace the net?
If replace - anyone know where I can buy the materials?
Mesh can be mended with a herring seine needle and tarred twine that matches your trap from PNT. The hardest part is trimming the hole so it only has two three legged meshes. You will think you are making the hole way bigger, but you have to to mend it properly. You could also just lace up any holes that are straightish.
This is how you do it on a bigger mesh. I don't know about replacement web.
You could also cut a square hole and lace in a patch if you can find some spare webbing.

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I have the twine here to fix them if you like. Sorry I can't fix them for you though. Never learnt to mend mesh.

BTW Trim tabs won't fix this problem either....... LOL :)
Use zap straps to close up the holes.

That's what I did when they chewed their way through 5 traps I had stacked. Likely problem is rats, not mice. Dirty dirty rats. But zap straps were cheap, easy, and my traps made it through the season, mesh intact.