Endura Paint School / Forum


New Member
For any of you who have a restoration project, have never painted before but want to DIY your Boat or would like to enhance your paint knowledge.

We welcome interested parties at all skill levels to cover spraying, rolling and repairing Endura for Marine and general application.

The invite is attached for Wednesday Feb. 19.

We will also cover new products and attempt to deal with specific requests as they are presented during the day.

We will also be producing some visual material to post on You Tube, Endura Marine Website and / or other Social Media so if you cannot make it, we will have that program started this year as well to support our customers.

Thank you for your interest

Pete Deys
780 719 6754


will you be hosting one of these on the island?
Unfortunately, We need the Paint Booth Facility at our Surrey Warehouse to make this work.

We do have multiple people coming from Campbell River and possibly the Nanaimo Area so if you want one of our distributors to work with you later, we are more than willing to go that way. They will also be attending to get familiar with new products and procedures.

Let us know what you need if you cannot attend and we will try to accommodate your timeline.

Our distributors on the Island are hands on if you need it.

We recognize the time and costs associated with getting to the mainland so I would not object to hosting on the Island at some point if we had a way to paint while sharing with all comers. A difficult scenario due to insurance and logistics.

Anyone with a project who does attend will receive a healthy discount on future purchase of their project materials to help offset the costs of attending. That is about all I can offer for those who make the effort.