Electric motor vs oars


Active Member
Which do you prefer, I have heard that row trolling can be more effective than an electric motor.

I've always liked rowing. It gives, I think, a better pulsing action on the fly or lure. Besides, it give you a bit of exercise.

Rowing or paddling. You can choose the exact speed that "feels right" at that particular moment, something that can be tricky with a motor.

Also I am sort of biased as I am a rower. Don't get pissed off at me though, I row at the Gorge ;)
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I use motor and also oars. I always seem to end up rowing for about 4 or 5 hours straight, when I row.

On flat calm lake it's not bad but if there's any kind of wind blowing, it turns into work real quick. So for ease of use I like the motor.

But rowing seems to produce more fish. Strange because the motor makes far less noise than me banging around with oars ( oars flopping around in holders due to slightly worn bushings etc.) Noise doesn't seem to bother them.

Seems easier to control speed when rowing.

If I was using a lake downrigger I'd probably use motor.
On a breezy day, I sometimes like to use the electric against the wind then switch to the oars to control my speed when going with it. There's no rowing, just stick' 'em in the water to slow me down. Both are productive.